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Image KNIME® Webapps-Common

Shared files for KNIME® web projects with JS, Vue and/or Nuxt

This project contains shared config files, Vue components, CSS files, utilities, etc. that can be used for the frontend of all KNIME web projects. It also includes an internal NPM package, knime-build-tools, which contains scripts and functionality commonly used in KNIME web projects.


A demo of all contained UI components, icons, CSS colors etc. can be found here:

Same application also serves as a development environment (code lives in demo folder) and can be run locally by calling

npm run dev

Git hooks

When committing your changes, a couple of commit hooks will run via husky.

  • pre-commit hook to lint and format the changes in your stage zone (via lintstaged)
  • prepare-commit-msg hook to format your commit message to conform with the required format by KNIME. In order for this to work you must set environment variables with your Atlassian email and API token. Refer to @knime/eslint-config/scripts/ for more information.


You should follow these steps

  1. include this project as a git submodule

  2. add it as an npm dependency:

      "devDependencies": {
        "webapps-common": "file:webapps-common"

    The latter allows to import the files via import {} from 'webapps-common' as if they had been pulled from the npm registry, as opposed to using relative paths.

Alternativly, more and more parts are also published as npm packages and can be used without git submodules.


The Vue components expect that the app provides the following:


Additional requirements when used with Nuxt:


KNIME color scheme

The KNIME color scheme is defined in JavaScript and has to be converted into CSS by running

npm run generate-css

This is done automatically on npm install, but needs to be run manually after changing any of the ui/colors/* files.

Other JS-defined colors are:

  • Node Background Colors

Stacking order and z-index

Try to avoid setting z-indices since they can lead to stacking conflicts, especially when shared components are used in many different apps. Many times a z-index is not needed, e.g. elements which use position: absolute; are stacked on top anyway. Additionally, the local stacking order can be controlled by changing the order in the DOM or using ::after instead of ::before pseudo elements.

When the above doesn’t work and you need a z-index, think about

  • if you just want to stack things locally. If yes, set isolation: isolate; on the parent element so you don’t pollute the global stacking context.
  • if it needs to be in the global context and the code you’re editing is in webapps-common, use a CSS variable with default like z-index: var(--z-index-common-modal, 100); so our apps can overwrite it if needed. To see which are available in the shared components, search for --z-index-common- in this repository.


Custom theming can be supported by overwriting the theme CSS custom properties defined in /ui/css/variables.


A helper module for build specific utilities. For more details, see /buildtools/


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