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Multi-gpu training with LightningLite, SageMaker, and Flair

This repo is a work in progress that shows you a step by a step process to do distributed training with the flair library especially for NER tasks.

Getting started

What's the problem?

Currently, flair does not support multi-gpu model training with its two Trainers (a) and (b) (NER, POS, Classification, etc.). There is a PR under review to get (a) to work with Lightning Lite as a stepping stone towards full compatibility. This repo tries to get (b) to work.

What's PyTorch Lightning Lite?

From their website:

LightningLite enables pure PyTorch users to scale their existing code on any kind of device while retaining full control over their own loops and optimization logic.

LightningLite is the right tool for you if you match one of the two following descriptions:

  • I want to quickly scale my existing code to multiple devices with minimal code changes.
  • I would like to convert my existing code to the Lightning API, but a full path to Lightning transition might be too complex.
  • I am looking for a stepping stone to ensure reproducibility during the transition.

Convert to LightningLite

Here are five required steps to convert to LightningLite.

  • Subclass LightningLite and override its run() method.
  • Move the body of your existing run function into LightningLite run method.
  • Remove all .to(...), .cuda() etc calls since LightningLite will take care of it.
  • Apply setup() over each model and optimizers pair and setup_dataloaders() on all your dataloaders and replace loss.backward() by self.backward(loss).
  • Instantiate your LightningLite subclass and call its run() method.

This is an example

import torch
from torch import nn
from import DataLoader, Dataset
from pytorch_lightning.lite import LightningLite

class MyModel(nn.Module):

class MyDataset(Dataset):

class Lite(LightningLite):
    def run(self, args):

        model = MyModel(...)
        optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), ...)
        model, optimizer = self.setup(model, optimizer)  # Scale your model / optimizers

        dataloader = DataLoader(MyDataset(...), ...)
        dataloader = self.setup_dataloaders(dataloader)  # Scale your dataloaders

        for epoch in range(args.num_epochs):
            for batch in dataloader:
                loss = model(batch)
                self.backward(loss)  # instead of loss.backward()


This is how you would call the function

Lite(strategy="ddp", devices=8, accelerator="gpu", precision="bf16").run(10)

What's in this repo?

Example with flair

There are three py scripts under example-flair. You have:

  • original model training script, for reference.
  • modified training script with an integration to LightningLite.
  • modified version of containing commented changes to the original code to add compatibility with PL.

Please start from example-flair/notebook_flair.ipynb.

Main changes to the original

# model definition
self.model, optimizer = self.setup(self.model, optimizer)
# setting up dataloaders
batch_loader = self.setup_dataloaders(batch_loader)

I've been having issues with how batches are being split across GPUs so I had to go back to the original model functions to calculate the forward loss. This should be revised. Perhaps this issue gives a good idea about what's happening.

# forward pass
loss = self.model_original.forward_loss(batch_step) # work in progress // to be replaced
# backward prop

Main changes to the original

class TrainingArguments:
    num_epochs: int = field(default=10, metadata={"help": "The number of training epochs."})
    batch_size: int = field(default=8, metadata={"help": "Batch size used for training."})
    mini_batch_chunk_size: int = field(
        metadata={"help": "If smaller than batch size, batches will be chunked."},
    learning_rate: float = field(default=5e-05, metadata={"help": "Learning rate"})
    seed: int = field(default=42, metadata={"help": "Seed used for reproducible fine-tuning results."})
    device: str = field(default="cuda:0", metadata={"help": "CUDA device string."})
    weight_decay: float = field(default=0.0, metadata={"help": "Weight decay for optimizer."})
    embeddings_storage_mode: str = field(default="none", metadata={"help": "Defines embedding storage method."})
    # adding new arguments below
    accelerator: Optional[str] = field(default=None, metadata={"help": "Choose the hardware to run on e.g. 'gpu'."})
    strategy: Optional[str] = field(
        metadata={"help": "Strategy for how to run across multiple devices e.g. 'ddp', 'deepspeed'."})
    devices: Optional[int] = field(
        metadata={"help": "Number of devices to train on (int), which GPUs to train on (list or str)"})
    num_nodes: Optional[int] = field(default=1, metadata={"help": "Number of GPU nodes for distributed training."})
    precision: Optional[int] = field(default=32, metadata={"help": "Choose training precision to use."})
    # changed
    trainer = LiteTrainer( 
    # changed
    trainer.train(tagger, corpus,

Example with HuggingFace

In order to make it easier to run benchmarks against other NLP frameworks such as stanza, PaddleNLP, etc., I placed an example of how to run distributed training on SageMaker using HuggingFace. It uses as entry_point and automatically install all required libraries. You can see the file under example-huggingface/notebook_huggingface.ipynb.

The codebase shows how to get a flair corpus (NER_ENGLISH_PERSON) converted to json and re-uploaded into AWS S3 for further training.


  • The content provided in this repository is for demonstration purposes and not meant for production. You should use your own discretion when using the content.
  • The ideas and opinions outlined in these examples are my own and do not represent the opinions of AWS.