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A C++ toolset for loading plugins with C ABI.



  • an interface to work with plugins whatever they are - dynamically-loaded or statically-linked libraries;
  • code-generation tools to produce fasade for statically-linked plugins, so symbols redefinition conflicts are no longer a problem;
  • a CMake script to produce statically-linked fasade in a single function call.

This means that for various plugins, which implement, for example, get_full_name(), you can, respectively:

  • access all found plugins via:
      CxxPlug<...> plug(...);
      auto lst = plug.get_available();
      auto loaded_1 = plug.load(lst[0]), loaded_2 = plug.load(lst[1]);
      cout << loaded_1.impl.get_full_name() << '\n';
      cout << loaded_2.impl.get_full_name() << '\n';
  • link different implementations of the same interface statically, hiding conflictable symbols using provided command-line tools;
  • decide, which plugins will be built-in and which are to be loaded dynamically when requested - using a single CMake variable with list of sources.


  • nm, objcopy, ld executables - implemented by GNU or LLVM, so can work even on Windows, despite Microsoft not providing anything similar to objcopy --localize-symbol and ld --relocatable.

On POSIX-compatible systems the dlopen requirements for dynamically-loaded libraries location are added, so the following strategies are possible when plugin is searched by:

  • relative path - requires the resulting executable being launched always from the same corresponding path (not very convenient, but portable);
  • absolute path - requires plugins to be placed by the same absolute paths (not portable or requires adoption for every distributive);
  • executable path - when using RPATH method, all plugin implementations must be placed in the same directory as executable's, so all implementations of all interfaces must have unique names (portable, but messy).


  • plugins should implement get_implementation_uuid, that returns pointer to a valid uuid;
  • plugins should implement get_implementation_name that takes pointer to iso369-3 string and returns plugin name in the requested language, or default.

Dependencies (available as git submodules):

  • ecstrings - its call is written by code generation toos (when producing *_interface.hpp) to return plugin interface name - default or user-provided;
  • libload - optional, cxxplug provides an example of dynamic library load provider based on this library.



git clone --recursive
cd cxxplug
cmake -B build
cmake --build build

Run an example:

cd build
ctest .


cd build/cxxplug/tests/overview

the output of the last one will be similar to

0: [Oh Plugin](Ivan Susanin)
1: [Oh Plugin](Gregor Eisenhorn)
2: [Oh Plugin](plugin_human/

0: PluginHuman {
    src:  <built_in>

    name: "Ivan Susanin"
    uuid: cf75898-a81-47fb-afe-93ccb9c8dc8c

    first_name:    "Ivan"
    last_name:     "Susanin"
    age:           45
    work_with_int: 10 => 0
1: PluginHuman {
    src:  <built_in>

    name: "Gregor Eisenhorn"
    uuid: 241bee6f-5a6d-47d9-a98e-952e954c037

    first_name:    "Gregor"
    last_name:     "Eisenhorn"
    age:           42
    work_with_int: 10 => 100
2: PluginHuman {
    src:  "plugin_human/"

    name: "Vasiliy Puplik"
    uuid: 704599c7-1e21-4d1c-9491-a89b598a097

    first_name:    "Vasiliy"
    last_name:     "Pupkin"
    age:           30
    work_with_int: 10 => 20



The following is based on plugin_human of overview example.


  1. Define plugin sources:

        APPEND vasiliy_pupkin
        APPEND ivan_susanin
        APPEND gregor_eisenhorn
  2. Choose which plugins should be loaded in runtime and which - must be linked:

        APPEND plugins_dynamic
        APPEND plugins_integrated
  3. Build dynamic libraries as usual:

    foreach( plugin_name ${plugins_dynamic} )
        add_library("${plugin_name}" MODULE "${${plugin_name}}")
        # So the output will be like "ivan_susanin_proxy.a"
        set_target_properties("${plugin_name}" PROPERTIES PREFIX "")
        target_compile_definitions("${plugin_name}" PRIVATE -DTEST_SHARED_BUILD)
    endforeach( plugin_name ${plugins_dynamic} )
  4. Call cxxplug_gen_integrated() to build statically-linked fasade.

        INTERFACE_CONFIG "cxxplug_interface.conf"
        INTERFACE_NAME   "plugin_human"
        IMPLEMENTATIONS  ${plugins_integrated}
    # Library target object returned, must be linked with final executable
    set(plugin_human_builtin ${CXXPLUG_INTERFACE_BUILTIN} PARENT_SCOPE)
    # Include directory with generated builtin-collection and interface headers
    # returned
    target_link_libraries(overview ${plugin_human_builtin})


#include <cxxplug.hpp>
#include <cxxplug/some_source_providers/filesystem_dynlib_provider.hpp>
#include <cxxplug/some_load_providers/libload_provider.hpp>

#include "cxxplug_gen/builtin/plugin_human_builtin.hpp"

template <typename PlugLoaded>
void print_plugin_human (PlugLoaded &loaded) {
    char lang[] = "eng";
    int  value = 10;
    cout << "\
PluginHuman {\n\
    src:  " <<
            ? "<built_in>"
            : (string("\"") + loaded.source_name + "\"")
        ) << "\n\
    name: \"" << loaded.impl.get_implementation_name(lang) << "\"\n\
    uuid: "   << *(Uuid*)loaded.impl.get_implementation_id() << "\n\
    first_name:    \"" << loaded.impl.get_first_name() << "\"\n\
    last_name:     \"" << loaded.impl.get_last_name() << "\"\n\
    age:           "   << std::dec << (unsigned)loaded.impl.get_age() << "\n\
    work_with_int: "   << value;
    cout << " => " << value << "\n\

int main () {
    // Yes, you are free to define and set your own LoadProvider, SourceProvider
    // and even collection of builtin plugins - cxxplug is flexible enough
    > plug(
        // This array was generated using `cxxplug-gen-collected-proxies` tool

    auto lst = plug.get_available();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) {
        cout << i << ": " << lst[i].string() << "\n";

    if (0 != lst.size()) {
        cout << "\n";

    // In fact, it is
    // `vector<CxxPlugLoaded<PluginHumanInterface,LoadProviderLibload>> loaded;`
    // but if no wish to change template arguments someday, use
        decltype(&decltype(plug)::load)(decltype(plug), decltype(lst[0]))
    >::type> loaded;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) {
        cout << i << ": ";

    cout << "\nDone\n";
    return 0;

How does generation work

cxxplug_gen_integrated() was made for CMake, but you may write your of code for any build system, because cxxplug_gen_integrated() only:

  1. adds plugin as static-library target,
    for ivan_susanin produces ivan_susanin.a,
  2. calls cxxplug-gen-interface tool to produce interface header from plugin interface description file, example of produced - plugin_human_interface.hpp;
  3. calls cxxplug-gen-proxy tool to produce interface variable (whose type is defined in interface header, produced above) from plugin's C-implementation whith unique name,
    for ivan_susanin produces ivan_susanin_proxy_proxy.hpp, ivan_susanin_proxy.cpp and asks CMake to build them as ivan_susanin_proxy_impl.a with a setting to be linked with ivan_susanin.a, built above;
  4. calls ld --whole-archive --relocatable to force immediate linkage of ivan_susanin_proxy_impl.a and ivan_susanin.a to a single file - ivan_susanin_proxy_merged.a
  5. calls cxxplug-hide-linked-symbols to hide (localize) symbols, defined in some library, in other library, here symbols redefinition conflict goes away,
    for ivan_susanin produces ivan_susanin_proxy.a,
  6. calls cxxplug-gen-collected-proxies to generate source files for an array, including all produced proxies, then adds CMake target to build it,
    for plugin_human interface produces libplugin_human_builtin.a, which is returned as ${CXXPLUG_INTERFACE_BUILTIN}, (in addition, ${CXXPLUG_GENERATED_INCLUDE_DIR} with a path to libplugin_human_builtin.a header is returned)


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