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Spring Boot Customer Microservice

Microservices is a specialization of an implementation approach for service-oriented architectures (SOA) used to build flexible, independently deployable software systems. Services in a microservice architecture (MSA) are processes that communicate with each other over a network in order to fulfill a goal.

This project is a simple but functional example of Microservice using Spring Boot with oAuth2 Authentication. This project is mainly use to test Zuul Server.

How to install

It's an eclipse project, just import it and run. If you want to run more than one instance please use Spring profiles instance1 and instance2.

Parameters & Configuration

  • application.yml
    • security.oauth2.client.clientId: Your client id.
    • security.oauth2.client.clientSecret : Your client secret
    • security.oauth2.resource.tokenInfoUri : Oauth server location and checktoken URI. e.g: http://localhost:40051/oauth/check_token
    • eureka.client.serviceUrl.defaultZone : Eureka server URI(s)
    • server.port : Server Port

How to test

Before you run this server you need to configure and init Eureka Server (or cluster) please make a look to Eureka Server.
You also need to configure and init your own Authorization Server, if you don't have one please take a look to our Oauth2 Authorization Server This Microservice tries to register itself in Eureka Server, if Eureka server is down throws " Connection refused: connect" error, Microservice works but Zuul server not will be able to find it.

  1. Configure application (application.yml above)
  2. Start Microservice [rigth-clic, run :) ]
  3. Import postman project CustomerMicroserviceTest.postman_collection.json to postman
    • Get a valid aouth token using "Token - password" and set Authorization header in all other postman tests.
    • Test "Get all customers": List all customers
    • Test "Add Customers": Add new customer
    • Test "Get one customer": Retrieve data for one customer. You have to change URI to set a valid Customer Id.

And you Done !!!!


  • I use postman to test 'cause it's what I usually do :) , if you want, modify this readme adding other ways, CURL, junit, simple java ó whatever.
  • Please feel free to add/modify/correct/update any part of this content as necessary

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