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Mokuren for GitHub

GitHub users spend a lot of time organizing issues!
Why not use the sidebar to save a little time?

The time it takes to move from one issue to the next, tab to another... it's a small cost.
But over the course of a long day, it can add up to a huge cost.
With Mokuren, you can do exactly the same thing as before, without moving tabs or pages.

*Mokuren 2.0 is available now without a GitHub login!

Mokuren for GitHub screenshot

Pricing and setup

Mokuren for GitHub logo preview
Mokuren for GitHub


All functions are available.

For personal accounts only

  • Unlimited sidebar
  • Unlimited saved items
  • Unlimited copy URL
$2 / month

Next: Confirm your installation location and payment information.

Mokuren for GitHub is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate privacy policy and support contact.