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Distributed File System

This project is an assignment from a Distributed Systems course offered through my local university. I wanted to improve my understanding of distributed applications and thought this would be a good place to start.

A quick overview

The project focuses on three types of nodes -- a node being a computer on a network performing a specific task. They are the Controller, the ChunkServer, and the Client.

The Controller communicates with the Client and ChunkServers. It keeps track of which files are stored by which ChunkServers. It is also responsible for deciding, after receiving a request from the Client to store a file, which ChunkServers will be responsible for storing that file's 64KB chunks. It also at regular intervals receives status updates from the ChunkServers called heartbeats. From these heartbeats the Controller determines whether a ChunkServer is healthy or is failing. If it concludes that a ChunkServer has failed, it orchestrates the relocation of that ChunkServer's chunks to other healthy ChunkServers, if possible.

The ChunkServer is responsible for storing chunks, sending heartbeat messages, and serving chunks to the Client. It stores its chunks in the /tmp directory, in a folder it creates after successfully registering called ChunkServer-# (the # being its identifier).

The Client is responsible for taking commands from the user, and storing and retrieving files from the DFS. Storage and retrieval operations are complex and require coordinated communication between both the Controller and the ChunkServers. All files read from the DFS are stored by the Client in a folder it creates called reads, located in the directory where the Client was run from.

Two techniques for fault-tolerance

This project uses two techniques to achieve fault-tolerance -- erasure coding and replication.

Replication splits every file into 64KB chunks. This project uses a replication factor of three by default, meaning that at any given time, there are three copies of every chunk stored on the DFS. If a ChunkServer goes offline or fails to send regular heartbeats for some time, the Controller notices, and attempts to forward the lost chunks to other available servers. The Controller tries its best to ensure that three copies of every chunk exist on the DFS.

In addition to splitting every file into chunks, erasure coding further fragments each chunk into nine shards. Six of the nine hold data, and three of the nine hold parity information. Each data shard contains one-sixth of the chunk's data. The parity shards contain matrix representations of the data which, when combined with other shards in a specific manner, make it possible to recover missing or corrupt data shards. Backblaze has provided the code used for encoding, decoding, and recovering shards using Reed-Solomon erasure coding. To learn more about how it works click here. Under erasure coding, the Controller strives to keep all nine fragments resident on different servers. Of the nine fragments, any six can be used to recover the content of the encoded chunk. Therefore, three servers can go offline while still maintaining availability.

Both replication and erasure coding schemas are additionally protected against data corruption with the SHA-1 hashing algorithm. Under replication, every chunk is stored on disk with eight 20-byte SHA-1 hashes, one hash for every 8KB slice of the chunk. During a read operation, all slices read from storage are hashed again, and those hashes are compared to the hashes already stored on disk. If the corresponding hashes don't match, the read fails and the Controller is notified. After being notified, the Controller attempts to repair the corrupt chunk by rebuilding it with healthy slices located on other ChunkServers.

All fragments (shards) written to disk under erasure coding are also hashed, and like under replication, any read operation where the hashes don't match prompts the ChunkServer to notify the Controller of corruption.

How to use it

I've used SDKMAN! to install packages like gradle and java. sdk current reports that I'm using gradle 8.1.1 and java I haven't compiled the project using any other versions, so if you're not using these, you'll just have to test for yourself.

First little context for the Controller. The Controller's ServerSocket binds to the host of the computer it is running on. Since the ChunkServers and the Client are designed to communicate with the Controller, they first have to know how to find it. They read the file stored in the config folder of the project directory for the host and port they should use to connect to the Controller. The file itself provides instructions for what controllerHost should be set to based on your environment. If you're compiling and running the project on a single machine, using either the or script, set controllerHost to localhost. If you're compiling and running the project with Docker, set controllerHost to controller. And, if you're compiling and running the project in a distributed environment, set controllerHost to the hostname of the computer the Controller will be running on. controllerPort is also configurable. Set storageType to replication if you'd like to use replication, and to erasure if you'd like to use erasure coding as your storage schema. Setting logLevel to info will print fewer log messages. The debug option I used primarily for development.

The scripts and each do the same thing, but the former is intended for macOS and the latter for Ubuntu. Each script compiles the project with gradle, and starts the Controller node in the currently-open terminal window. Two new terminal windows are then spawned. Executing the command ./ c (or ./ c) in one of the new windows will start the Client. Executing ./ (or ./ in the other will start nine ChunkServers in nine different terminal tabs. The number of ChunkServers to launch can be configured in the scripts.

Commands can then be issued to each of the running nodes. The Client, by default, uses the data folder in the project directory as its working directory (which can be subsequently changed with the wd command). The data folder contains three files -- small.txt, medium.pdf, and large.jpg -- which I've been using for testing purposes. The command put small.txt should work immediately at the Client. You can then retrieve the file you just stored by issuing a files command, followed by a get 0 command (which retrieves the zeroth file stored on the DFS).

Additionally, all nodes print usage instructions for their commands with help.

To use Docker instead of the scripts, change controllerHost in the file to controller, navigate to the docker folder in the project directory using your terminal, and, assuming Docker is already installed and running, use command docker compose build to first build the project, then docker compose up -d to run the project in detached mode. Then, to attach to any of the running containers, use docker container attach <container_name>. Detach from the the container using CTRL-p-CTRL-q (no dashes), which is the escape sequence. To shut down the session, use docker compose down.

Note: Reasonably large files (a few GB) can be stored on the DFS, but retrieving those very large files won't work unless the Client's JVM has access to enough RAM to hold the entire file in memory. To get around the problem, I'll need to batch the retrievals and writes.

Comparing Erasure Coding and Replication

To better understand the differences between the two storage schemas, I used the testing script (located in the docker folder) to spin up two docker compose sessions, one using replication and the other using erasure coding. I used docker stats to collect statistics about each of these sessions. In each compose session, the Client stores and retrieves the three files located in the data folder before shutting down. I then used the script (also located in the docker folder) to aggregate the CPU, MEMORY, NETWORK, and DISK usages for all containers for each session and plot the results.

CPU Usage

CPU usage comparison between Erasure Coding and Replication Erasure coding is more cpu-intensive than replication. The command to store the files is issued at the five second mark during the testing script, where the first spikes in cpu-usage appear. Under erasure coding, every chunk the Client stores must first be encoded into nine shards. The three test files -- small.txt, medium.pdf, and large.jpg -- are a combined 8.4MB in size. $8.4MB/64KB \approx 134$ is the total number of chunks needed to store those files. So, the calls to the encode function add up at scale to produce visibly larger spikes in cpu-usage over replication. The same number of calls to the decode function must to be made during the download as well. The total number of threads that need to be spawned is increased under erasure coding too, as the encoded data must be relayed between all nine ChunkServers in the system, and sending and receiving messages doesn't come free.

Network Usage

Network usage comparison between Erasure Coding and Replication Network activity is also greater for erasure coding than for replication. The activity shown in this plot is cumulative (not MB/s), so the height on the y-axis reached by the rightmost datapoint represents the total network activity for all nodes for the duration of the test script. It should be noted that since all messages sent are successfully received, the y-coordinate is, in a sense, a double-count of the actual data transferred over the network. Under both replication and erasure coding, the Client sends a chunk to be stored on the DFS only to the first ChunkServer responsible for storing that chunk. Then, it is that ChunkServer's responsibility to forward the chunk to the next ChunkServer. Under replication, the chunk is only sent over the network three times. But under erasure coding, shards are sent over the network nine times. Even when already-stored shards are removed from the message before its being relayed, the total network transfer for storing a chunk using erasure coding is greater than for replication. Shards come to be ~11KB ($64KB/6$) in size, but because there are nine of them, the total data transferred for one chunk during a storage operation is $\sum\nolimits_{i=1}^{9} i*11KB \approx 495KB$, while the total under replication is $\sum\nolimits_{i=1}^{3} 64KB = 192KB$. These calculations are proven by the plot, as $160MB/70MB \approx 495KB/192KB$.

Memory Usage

Memory usage comparison between Erasure Coding and Replication Memory usage is much the same story. Under erasure coding more messages need to be sent and received, and the objects used to represent those messages take up space (before they are garbage collected). The additional threads also take up more memory, though their impact is probably minimal in comparison to the message objects.

Disk Activity

Disk activity comparison between Erasure Coding and Replication Only in disk activity does erasure coding prevail over replication. As mentioned in the discussion of the network plot, an encoded chunk has a total size of ~100KB ($9*11KB$). Though erasure coding more heavily taxes the network during a storage operation, there is only 100KB of data to write to disk across all nine shards, whereas under replication, the full 64KB chunk is written to disk at three different ChunkServers. Replication appears to have a total disk activity of ~28.5MB for the test script, while erasure coding has a total of ~20MB. When running docker stats while the script is executing, I noticed a bug, in that the input (I in I/O) remains at zero throughout the run (though I know for certain that reads are being performed). To account for this, if we subtract 8.4MB from each's total (to ignore the write performed at the Client), $Replication/Erasure = 20MB/12MB \approx 172KB/100KB$. This seems reasonable.

The CPU, MEMORY, and NETWORK plots turn out similarly on successive runs, but the DISK plot doesn't. Sometimes the replication line starts at 40MB, sometimes at zero, other times the total disk activities vary between tests. I'm not sure what's going on, but it certainly isn't a problem with my code. In fact, I'd contend that my python script is ready to be unleashed in any production environment, however mission critical that environment is.


A distributed, fault-tolerant file system in Java.







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