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Clone the repository:

$ git clone

Install Python 3

Using homebrew:

$ brew install python3

Set up virtualenv:

Depending on your package manager and OS, the name of your virtual env may differ from below.

For Mac:

$ pyvenv3.4 /mchp-dev
$ source mchp-dev/bin/activate


$ virtualenv3 ./mchp-dev
$ source mchp-dev/bin/activate

Install psycopg2 and postgres

For Mac:

$ pip install psycopg2
$ brew install postgresql

In the repository, install django:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Copy the to and add local changes. The dev is responsible for keeping this up to date any time it changes.

Create the database, e.g. on the command line: $ createdb mchp

Create a superuser:

1. python createsuperuser
2. Name the user "mchp"
3. Set email as ""

Verify the superuser's email and set it to the primary email:

UPDATE "public"."account_emailaddress" SET "verified"='1', "primary"='1' WHERE "id"='1' RETURNING "id", "user_id", "email", "verified", "primary";

Create a school:

INSERT INTO "public"."schedule_school"("id", "domain", "name", "phone_number", "address", "city", "state", "country", "zipcode", "timezone", "lat", "lng") VALUES('1', '', 'University of Arizona', '5206212211', 'Tucson', 'Tucson', 'AZ', 'United States of America', '85719', 'MST', '32.22174', '-110.92648') RETURNING "id", "domain", "name", "phone_number", "address", "city", "state", "country", "zipcode", "timezone", "lat", "lng";

Create student-object for user 'mchp' by enrolling them into school:

INSERT INTO "public"."user_profile_student"("id", "purchased_points", "earned_points", "balance", "kudos", "school_id", "user_id") VALUES('1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '1') RETURNING "id", "purchased_points", "earned_points", "balance", "kudos", "major_id", "school_id", "user_id", "grade_level";

Make user 'mchp' a profile:

INSERT INTO "public"."user_profile_userprofile"("id", "blurb", "student_id") VALUES('1', 'NULL', '1') RETURNING "id", "pic", "blurb", "student_id";

Migrate the database: python migrate

For getting AllAuth and Facebook integration working:

UPDATE django_site SET DOMAIN = '', name = 'mchp' WHERE id=1;
INSERT INTO socialaccount_socialapp (provider, name, secret, client_id, "key")
  VALUES ('facebook', 'Facebook', '--put-your-own-app-secret-here--', '--put-your-own-app-id-here--', '');
INSERT INTO socialaccount_socialapp_sites (socialapp_id, site_id) VALUES (1, 1);

Amazon access id and secret key are now taken from environmental variables. Put these commands in a .bashrc or similar file to have them run every time a new shell is started. The settings file will take care about loading these.

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=--your-access-key--
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=--your-secret-key--

For rabbitMQ (maybe):

# rabbitmq-server

For starting celery, make sure you are on the same level as (start rabbitMQ first):

# celery -A mchp worker -l info