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Releases: microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-toolkit


30 May 14:54
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4.2.2 (2024-05-30)

Bug Fixes

  • a11y: alert files reloaded on mgt-file-list (#3191) (3ac37de)
  • a11y: announce expanded/collapsed state of options menu in mgt-planner (#3186) (6e51044)
  • a11y: announce when no matches are found in people-picker (#3180) (bfa4af8)
  • a11y: correct file upload button and file line-1 color contrast in mgt-file-list (#3177) (ae31d26)
  • a11y: correct luminosity contrast in mgt-agenda custom styles (#3179) (b11f9c7)
  • a11y: correct luminosity contrast in mgt-file and mgt-login text colors (#3178) (b42c743)
  • a11y: correct mgt-get email story (#3194) (066e58c)
  • a11y: correct mgt-person-card line-3 text color contrast in custom styles (#3176) (c5c1e53)
  • a11y: correct people-picker placeholder luminosity contrast (#3175) (6acfbe7)
  • a11y: focus on uploaded file and narrate status (#3189) (7f9eac3)
  • a11y: person-card style contrast (#3174) (8078496)
  • a11y: set the title and aria-label for the screen sizing buttons (#3188) (6395096)
  • a11y: use descriptive alt text for file icon in mgt-file (#3195) (9f0799e)
  • adds color variable for date and summary in mgt-search-results (#3153) (35b86ff)
  • mgt-channel-picker icons tab behavior (#3185) (ef846d5)


27 Mar 21:38
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4.2.1 (2024-03-27)

Bug Fixes


27 Mar 18:20
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4.2.0 (2024-03-27)


  • add a useIsSignedIn custom hook for react (#3093) (1e695aa)

Bug Fixes

  • a11y: fix forced colors for file upload button (#3114) (81826d9)
  • add a custom font-size token to people-picker (#3069) (bc8423c)
  • add a shimmer for the loading state of person component (#3009) (daf0cf9)
  • add aria-label text string for teams chevrons (#3129) (bc1fedf)
  • disable input in single select mode and default userIds and groupIds (#3119) (948b078)
  • prevent undefined account error when logging out (#3082) (da77913)
  • theme colors for mgt-search-results (#3116) (ae5e343)


26 Feb 15:13
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4.1.0 (2024-02-26)


  • add ability to disable suggestions on people-picker (#3048) (f174714)
  • move electron to peer dependency (#3046) (c572c01)

Bug Fixes

  • make scope aware requests work for electron apps (c572c01)


12 Feb 14:18
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4.0.1 (2024-02-12)

Bug Fixes

  • apply keyboard focus when removing selected person or adding person from suggestion list on people-picker (#3011) (8c8b138)
  • ensure consistency level header present for user search (#3029) (3d893b2)


05 Feb 15:09
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4.0.0 (2024-02-05)


  • mgt-loader.js is removed and there is no support for es5 only browsers direct from CDN. Developers loading mgt from a CDN must use module syntax and explicitly initialize their applications.
  • mgt-spfx is deprecated, use disambiguation instead
  • ViewType is now a string union type and not an enum
  • UserType is now a string union type and not an enum
  • PersonType is now a string union type and not an enum
  • GroupType is now a string union type and not an enum
  • groupType property on MgtPeoplePicker is now a GroupType[] not a GroupType that is a bitmask of the desired group types. Developers using the group-type attribute will find the behavior unchanged.
  • the avatarType eunm has been renamed to AvatarType for consistency and converted to a string union type
  • the ResponseType for mgt-get is now a string union type and not an enum
  • PersonCardInteraction is now a string union type and not an enum
  • convert attribute enums to string unions (#2962)
  • PersonViewType has been removed. 'avatar' is no longer a valid value for the 'view' attribute on the 'mgt-person' component
  • permissions: applications using mgt-person with fetch-image and person-detal where the supplied value is a group will now need to consent to either Group.Read.All or Group.ReadWrite.All. This replaces the existing behavior where the group image would silently fail to load and show an http 403 error in the console.
  • permissions: minimal permission for planner calls changed from Group.ReadWrite.All to Tasks.ReadWrite for write operation and from Group.Read.All to Tasks.Read for read operations.
  • prepScopes now accepts an array of scopes, this is checked against the set of currently consented scopes for the user. If any of the supplied scopes are found, then no additional scopes are requested. If no match is found, then the user will be prompted to consent to the first scope in the supplied array of scopes
  • mgt-tasks has been removed and replaced with mgt-planner. mgt-planner does not support data-source switching to fetch data from the outlook tasks apis any longer.
  • Developers must explicitly call the register function for all web components used in their application when using components from @microsoft/mgt-components. Importing from the root of @microsoft/mgt-components no longer has an automatic registration side effect. NOTE Components from @microsoft/mgt-react will automatically register the underlying web component when they are used for the first time.
  • MgtPersonCard no longer has a static config property.This config has been moved to the MgtPersonCardConfig class to allow developers to import the config and associated getMgtPersonCardScopes function at the top level of their applicaiton without automatically adding the weight of the full mgt-person-card component and dependencies to the entry file for their applications.
  • default behavior of mgt-people-picker changes so presence is not shown unless show-presence attribute or showPresence property are set
  • applications importing @microsoft/mgt-react but not using the wrapper components will not have components automatically registered in the browser. This leads to a breaking change when these applications emit raw web component markup rather than using the wrapper components.


Bug Fixes

  • add connect img and frame csp directives (#2910) (20eb7fc)
  • add detail-line part attribute to person component (#2999) (b254e49)
  • add focus on input field when you click the button to add a new task (#2994) (573fa45)
  • add method to clear selected channel in mgt-teams-channel-picker (#2865) (c3a3d82)
  • adding headers and count on all potential advanced aad queries (#2920) (90b2dd1)
  • clean-up react-contoso homepage (#3008) (c8c564d)
  • color inversion on suggestion list (65ca8e2)
  • consolidate person view types (#2943) (6d44a17)
  • correct completion of todo items (#3018) (52d8ad9)
  • correct filter concatenation in mgt-people-picker (#2822) ([18925a9](https://github...
Read more


10 Oct 15:45
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3.1.3 (2023-10-06)

Bug Fixes

  • a11y: mgt-file and mgt-picker visibility issues in dark-mode (#2667) (239bfb0)
  • add Group entity to IDynamicPerson type and introduce typeguards to find the entity type (#2688) (b3bc50d)
  • add spaces to presence hover text in mgt-person (#2693) (f50e6ab)
  • disable todo checkboxes and inputs in read-only mode (#2745) (d19f078)
  • ensure batch url resources start with / (#2740) (247f37a)
  • ensure msal public client application is initialized (#2702) (b9fcfe7)
  • ensure people-picker search works when userIds are supplied(#2736) (a724b05)
  • initials rendering in mgt-person (#2764) (882aaf6)
  • MgtProfile: Fix handling of null values for educations & work positions (#2717) (ba381c8)
  • typing for template props data context (#2754) (c9023c2)
  • update mgt-taxonomy-picker colors to match mgt-picker (#2747) (be7add8)


05 Sep 16:17
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3.1.2 (2023-09-05)

We're excited to announce our v3.1.2 release of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit 🦒 with 4 bug fixes.

🧑‍💻 Updating your application

To update your application to use the newest version of Microsoft Graph Toolkit, navigate to your project directory and run:

npm i @microsoft/mgt@latest

If you’re using the Toolkit via mgt-loader and update your script tag to:

<script src=""></script>

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • adds pointer cursor to logged in accounts (#2674) (11e5a1c)
  • disable open on click behavior (#2685) (10b25f9)
  • set custom css token --default-font-family to apply to all elements in DOM (#2677) (cb69e01)
  • use correct scope for group member resolution (#2690) (ca313c1)

🎉 Celebrating our contributors


Full Changelog: v3.1.1...v3.1.2


17 Aug 16:25
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3.1.1 (2023-08-17)

We're excited to announce our v3.1.1 release of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit 🦒 with 2 bug fixes.

🧑‍💻 Updating your application

To update your application to use the newest version of Microsoft Graph Toolkit, navigate to your project directory and run:

npm i @microsoft/mgt@latest

If you’re using the Toolkit via mgt-loader and update your script tag to:

<script src=""></script>

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • dismiss login flyout when moving out of the popup (#2637) (263f36f)
  • use pointer cursor when person card enabled in mgt-person. (#2652) (48ea18b)

🎉 Celebrating our contributors


Full Changelog: v3.1.0...v3.1.1


31 Jul 17:50
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3.1.0 (2023-07-28)

We're excited to announce our v3.1.0 release of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit 🦒!

🧑‍💻 Updating your application

To update your application to use the newest version of Microsoft Graph Toolkit, navigate to your project directory and run:

npm i @microsoft/mgt@latest

If you’re using the Toolkit via mgt-loader and update your script tag to:

<script src=""></script>

🎨 Features

  • add canary url to allowed endpoints for graph (#2635) (ec621cd)

🐞 Bug Fixes

  • a11y: add distinct name definitions for copy code buttons in storybook overview (#2622) (4e52f41)
  • add a title text if displaying images only. (#2625) (28703c9)
  • check the file type being uploaded before performing upload (#2584) (7fb265c)
  • remove agenda tooltip (#2621) (27e1fc9)


Full Changelog: v3.0.1...v3.1.0