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View count

This is a simple project for me to track the number of visit on my site without a crazy GA setup. I just need something that track the page count for my blog. Also, some of the analaytics tracking tools are blocked by ad-blockers or requires javascript enabled.

I want a tool that is easy and somewhat accurate. I use this as a practice to use durable object from Cloudflare.

The current production is powered by KV which is eventual consistent. I do not need a real-time view count. You can use Durable Object which is also supported by commenting out the KV section.

🚀 Usage

⚠️ The count does not reflect actual user visit, it just a number that keeps growing, use at your own risk!


<img src=">


![View count](

🛠 Options

Option Required Type Note
page Yes string The target url to be tracked
style No 'text' | 'badge' Default badge. text will only how the count as plain text
label No string The label text of the badge. By default, it will use the page value

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