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Opentelemetry Operator


Customized operator, for reference only

Getting Started

Running on the cluster

  1. Build and push your image to the location specified by IMG:
make docker-build docker-push IMG=<some-registry>/otel-operator:tag
docker push <some-registry>/otel-operator:tag
  1. Deploy the controller to the cluster with the image specified by IMG:
make deploy IMG=<some-registry>/otel-operator:tag
  1. Install Instances of Custom Resources:
kubectl apply -f config/samples/

Undeploy controller

UnDeploy the controller to the cluster:

make undeploy

api docs

Resource Types:

  • OpentelemetryCollector
  • OpentelemetryAgent


OpenTelemetryCollectorSpec defines the desired state of OpenTelemetryCollector(deploy by statefulset)

Name Type Description Required
image string Image indicates the container image to use for the OpenTelemetry Collector. true
imagePullPolicy string ImagePullPolicy indicates the pull policy to be used for retrieving the container image (Always, Never, IfNotPresent) false
imagePullSecrets []object Tencent cloud image download key false
replicas integer Replicas is the number of pod instances for the underlying OpenTelemetry Collector. Format: int32 true
ports []object ports defines the ports exposed by the pod, and the operator will infer the ports required by the service and create false
resources []object Resources to set on the OpenTelemetry Collector pods. false
config String Config is the raw JSON to be used as the collector's configuration. true
podAnnotations map[string]string PodAnnotations is the set of annotations that will be attached to Collector pods false
dnsPolicy String DNSPolicy defines how a pod's DNS will be configured(ClusterFirstWithHostNet, ClusterFirst, Default, None) false
hostNetwork boolean HostNetwork indicates if the pod should run in the host networking namespace. false


OpenTelemetryAgentSpec defines the desired state of OpenTelemetryAgent(deploy by daemonset)

Name Type Description Required
image string Image indicates the container image to use for the OpenTelemetry Collector. true
imagePullPolicy string ImagePullPolicy indicates the pull policy to be used for retrieving the container image (Always, Never, IfNotPresent) false
imagePullSecrets []object Tencent cloud image download key false
ports []object ports defines the ports exposed by the pod, and the operator will infer the ports required by the service and create false
resources []object Resources to set on the OpenTelemetry Collector pods. false
config String Config is the raw JSON to be used as the collector's configuration. true
podAnnotations map[string]string PodAnnotations is the set of annotations that will be attached to Collector pods false
dnsPolicy String DNSPolicy defines how a pod's DNS will be configured(ClusterFirstWithHostNet, ClusterFirst, Default, None) false
hostNetwork boolean HostNetwork indicates if the pod should run in the host networking namespace. false