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Internationalization framework for Leptos using fluent-templates.


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Internationalization framework for Leptos using fluent-templates.


Add the following to your Cargo.toml file:

leptos-fluent = "0.0.28"
fluent-templates = "0.9"

hydrate = [
ssr = [
  "leptos-fluent/actix",  # actix and axum are supported


Giving the following directory structure:

├── 📄 Cargo.toml
├── 📁 locales
│   ├── 📁 en
│   │   └── 📄 main.ftl
│   └── 📁 es
│       └── 📄 main.ftl
└── 📁 src
    ├── 📄
    └── 📄

With Fluent files en.ftl and es.ftl:

hello-world = Hello, world!
hello-args = Hello, { $arg1 } and { $arg2 }!
hello-world = ¡Hola, mundo!
hello-args = ¡Hola, { $arg1 } y { $arg2 }!

You can use leptos-fluent as follows:

use fluent_templates::static_loader;
use leptos::*;
use leptos_fluent::{expect_i18n, leptos_fluent, move_tr, tr};

static_loader! {
    static TRANSLATIONS = {
        locales: "./locales",
        fallback_language: "en",

fn App() -> impl IntoView {
    leptos_fluent! {{
        // Path to the locales directory, relative to Cargo.toml file.
        locales: "./locales",
        // Static translations struct provided by fluent-templates.
        translations: TRANSLATIONS,

        // Client side options
        // -------------------
        // Synchronize `<html lang="...">` attribute with the current
        // language using `leptos::create_effect`. By default, it is `false`.
        sync_html_tag_lang: true,
        // URL parameter name to use discovering the initial language
        // of the user. By default is `"lang"`.
        url_param: "lang",
        // Discover the initial language of the user from the URL.
        // By default, it is `false`.
        initial_language_from_url_param: true,
        // Set the discovered initial language of the user from
        // the URL in local storage. By default, it is `false`.
        initial_language_from_url_param_to_localstorage: true,
        // Update the language on URL parameter when using the method
        // `I18n.set_language`. By default, it is `false`.
        set_language_to_url_param: true,
        // Name of the field in local storage to get and set the
        // current language of the user. By default, it is `"lang"`.
        localstorage_key: "language",
        // Get the initial language from local storage if not found
        // in an URL param. By default, it is `false`.
        initial_language_from_localstorage: true,
        // Update the language on local storage when using the method
        // `I18n.set_language`. By default, it is `false`.
        set_language_to_localstorage: true,
        // Get the initial language from `navigator.languages` if not
        // found in the local storage. By default, it is `false`.
        initial_language_from_navigator: true,

        // Server side options
        // -------------------
        // Set the initial language from the Accept-Language header of the
        // request. By default, it is `false`.
        initial_language_from_accept_language_header: true,

        // Server and client side options
        // ------------------------------
        // Name of the cookie to get and set the current language of the user.
        // By default, it is `"lf-lang"`.
        cookie_name: "lang",
        // Get the initial language from cookie. By default, it is `false`.
        initial_language_from_cookie: true,
        // Update the language on cookie when using the method `I18n.set_language`.
        // By default, it is `false`.
        set_language_to_cookie: true,

    view! {
        <ChildComponent />
        <LanguageSelector />

fn ChildComponent() -> impl IntoView {
    // Use `tr!` and `move_tr!` macros to translate strings:
    view! {
            <span>{move || tr!("hello-world")}</span>
            <span>{move_tr!("hello-args", {
                "arg1" => "value1",
                "arg2" => "value2",

    // You must use `tr!` inside a reactive context or the translation
    // will not be updated on the fly when the current language changes.

fn LanguageSelector() -> impl IntoView {
    // Use `expect_i18n()` to get the current i18n context:
    let i18n = expect_i18n();

    // `i18n.languages` is a static array with the available languages
    // `i18n.language.get()` to get the current language
    // `i18n.language.set(lang)` to set the current language
    // `lang.is_active()` to check if a language is the current selected one

    view! {
                move || i18n.languages.iter().map(|lang| {
                    view! {
                                on:click=move |_| i18n.language.set(lang)
                            <label for=lang>{}</label>


  • Server Side Rendering: ssr
  • Hydration: hydrate
  • Actix Web integration: actix
  • Axum integration: axum
  • JSON languages file: json (enabled by default)
  • YAML languages file: yaml



Leptos-fluent is currently ready for most use cases. However, it is still in an early stage of development and the API may contain breaking changes through v0.0.X releases.