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Naman Khurpia edited this page Dec 31, 2023 · 3 revisions


This repository contains the community-maintained library for OpenAI's API in java, the easiest way to use GPT 3/4 in your applications.

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This Java library (community-maintained Library) provides a convenient way to interact with OpenAI's API for both Moderation and Chat Completion. The library encapsulates the necessary details, making it easy to integrate OpenAI's powerful models into your Java applications. This project is not maintained by OPENAI, this is an unofficial library.

Table of Contents

Single Instance



Contributing Guidelines

Please refer

Running guidelines

All "OPENAI_KEYS" must be read through the readKeys() function defined here, this function allows you to read multiple keys at the same time, and for multithreaded task it is adviced to use multiple keys to avoid rate limiting. To run this function you need to have keys.txt in your project root folder (feel free to edit).

Usage - syntax

Chat Completion API

To use the Chat Completion API, follow these steps:

Message message = Message.builder()
       .content("what is the capital of Cambodia?")

List<Message> messages = new ArrayList<>();

ChatCompletionRequest request = ChatCompletionRequest.builder()

ChatCompletionResponse response = new EasyopenaiService(new DAOImpl()).chatCompletion(keys.get(0),request);

Click here to jump to the code example.

Moderation API

Single Request, Single Response

To use the Moderation API, follow these steps:

ModerationAPIRequest request = ModerationAPIRequest.builder()
        .input("hello from the other side kill me now")

ModerationAPIResponse res = new EasyopenaiService(new DAOImpl()).getmoderation("OPENAI_KEY",request);

Click here to jump to the code example.

Easy Vision API

Vision API can be used like this, feel free to add N number of images in list of Images-

VisionApiResponse responseobj = new EasyVisionService().VisionAPI("OPENAI_KEY", new EasyVisionRequest()
       .setPrompt("What are the difference between these images?")
       .setImageUrls(new ArrayList<String>() {{
.setMaxtokens(1000) //Optional - for more tokens, defaults to 300

Click here to jump to the code example.

Vision API

To use the Vision API, follow these steps:

  1. Initialize the EasyopenaiService object with an instance of DAOImpl:
EasyopenaiService obj = new EasyopenaiService(new DAOImpl());
  1. Create a VisionApiRequest object:
VisionApiRequest request = new VisionApiRequest();
  1. Create an ImageUrl object with the image URL and detail:
ImageUrl url = new ImageUrl();
  1. Create a list of Content objects to represent the messages:
Content content1 = new Content();
content1.setText("What’s in this image?");

Content content2 = new Content();

ArrayList<Content> listofContent = new ArrayList<>();
  1. Create a MessageList object with the role ("user") and the list of content:
MessageList messageList = new MessageList();
  1. Create a list of MessageList objects:
ArrayList<MessageList> listofMessage = new ArrayList<>();
  1. Set various properties of the VisionApiRequest object:
  1. Make the API call and Print Response:
VisionApiResponse res = obj.visionAPI(OPENAI_KEY, request);
System.out.println("Vision API Response is:" + res);

Click here to jump to the code example.

Speech API

Speech API can be used like this, feel free to tweak-

SpeechRequest request = SpeechRequest.builder()
       .input("Easy OpenAI is best solution.")

ResponseBody response = new EasyopenaiService(new DAOImpl()).createSpeech("OPENAI_KEY",request);

Click here to jump to the code example.

Easy Transcription API

Transcription API can be used like this, feel free to tweak-

EasyTranscriptionRequest request  =  EasyTranscriptionRequest.builder()

ResponseBody response = new EasyTranscriptionService().EasyTranscription("OPENAI_KEY", request);

Click here to jump to the code example.

Transcription API

Original Transcription API by OpenAI

Transcription API can be used like this, feel free to tweak-

File audioFile = new File("/Users/namankhurpia/Desktop/audio.mp3");
MultipartBody.Part filePart = MultipartBody.Part.createFormData(
       RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("audio/*"), audioFile)

RequestBody model = RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("text/plain"), "whisper-1");
RequestBody language = RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("text/plain"), "");
RequestBody prompt = RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("text/plain"), "");
RequestBody response_format = RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("text/plain"), "");
RequestBody temperature = RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("text/plain"), "");

ResponseBody response = new EasyopenaiService(new DAOImpl()).createTranscriptions("OPENAI_KEY", filePart,model, language,prompt,response_format,temperature);

Click here to jump to the code example.

Image Generation API

Image Generation API can be used like this, feel free to tweak-

ImageRequest imageRequest  = ImageRequest.builder()
       .prompt("Generate a cute dog playing with frizbee")

ImageResponse response = new EasyopenaiService(new DAOImpl()).createImage("OPENAI_KEY",imageRequest);

Click here to jump to the code example.

Async Chat Completion API

To use the Chat Completion API asynchronously, follow these steps:

  1. Initialize the EasyopenaiAsyncService object with an instance of AsyncDAOImpl:

    EasyopenaiAsyncService obj = new EasyopenaiAsyncService(new AsyncDAOImpl());
  2. Create a list of ChatMessage objects to represent the conversation:

    ChatMessage message = new ChatMessage();
    message.setContent("what is the capital of Cambodia?");
    List<ChatMessage> messages = new ArrayList<>();
  3. Create a ChatCompletionRequest object:

    ChatCompletionRequest request = new ChatCompletionRequest();
    request.setMessages(messages); // old conversations as well
  4. Make the asynchronous API call:

    ChatCompletionResponse res = obj.getAsyncChatCompletion(OPENAI_KEY, request);

Click here to jump to the code example.

Async Moderation API

To use the Moderation API asynchronously, follow these steps:

  1. Create a ModerationAPIRequest object:

    ModerationAPIRequest request = new ModerationAPIRequest();
    request.setInput("kill me now");
  2. Initialize the EasyopenaiAsyncService object with an instance of AsyncDAOImpl:

    EasyopenaiAsyncService obj = new EasyopenaiAsyncService(new AsyncDAOImpl());
  3. Make the asynchronous API call:

    ModerationAPIResponse res = obj.getASyncModeration(OPENAI_KEY, request);

Click here to jump to the code example.

Multithreaded Async Chat Completion API

For multi-threading and concurrent calls with Chat Completion API, follow these steps:

  1. Create a ChatCompletionRequestList object:

    ChatCompletionRequestList list = new ChatCompletionRequestList(new ArrayList<ChatCompletionRequest>());
  2. Add multiple ChatCompletionRequest objects to the list:

    // Example request 1
    ChatCompletionRequest requestchat = new ChatCompletionRequest();
    ChatMessage message = new ChatMessage();
    message.setContent("what is the capital of India?");
    List<ChatMessage> messages = new ArrayList<>();
    // Add more requests as needed (requestchat2, requestchat3, requestchat4, etc.)
  3. Make the multi-asynchronous API call:

    EasyopenaiConcurrentService concurrentCalls = new EasyopenaiConcurrentService();
    ChatCompletionResponseList responseList = concurrentCalls.CallMultipleChatCompletionAPI(OPENAI_KEY, list);

Click here to jump to the code example.

Multithreaded Async Moderation API

For multi-threading and concurrent calls with the Moderation API, follow these steps:

  1. Create a ModerationRequestList object:

    ModerationRequestList requestList = new ModerationRequestList(new ArrayList<ModerationAPIRequest>());
  2. Add multiple ModerationAPIRequest objects to the list:

    // Example request 1
    ModerationAPIRequest request = new ModerationAPIRequest();
    request.setInput("kill me now");
    // Add more requests as needed (request2, request3, request4, etc.)
  3. Make the multi-asynchronous API call:

    EasyopenaiConcurrentService concurrentCalls = new EasyopenaiConcurrentService();
    ModerationResponseList responseList = concurrentCalls.CallMultipleModerationAPI(OPENAI_KEY, requestList);

Click here to jump to the code example.


Ensure you have the required dependencies installed before using the OpenAI API wrapper.



Groovy - Gradle

implementation group: 'io.github.namankhurpia', name: 'easyopenai', version: 'x.x.x'

Gradle Java -

implementation 'io.github.namankhurpia:easyopenai:x.x.x'

Gradle Kotlin-



libraryDependencies += "io.github.namankhurpia" % "easyopenai" % "x.x.x"


<dependency org="io.github.namankhurpia" name="easyopenai" rev="x.x.x"/>


@Grab(group='io.github.namankhurpia', module='easyopenai', version='x.x.x')


[io.github.namankhurpia/easyopenai "x.x.x"]

