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react-map-gl-directions is a React wrapper for Mapbox GL Directions for use with react-map-gl.


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react-map-gl-directions is a React wrapper for Mapbox GL Directions for use with react-map-gl.

Table of Contents


Using react-map-gl-directions requires react >= 16.3.

npm install --save react-map-gl-directions



import 'react-map-gl-directions/dist/mapbox-gl-directions.css'


Link tag in header:



Only mapRef and mapboxApiAccessToken are required.

Name Type Default Description
mapRef Object Ref for react-map-gl map component.
mapboxApiAccessToken String
position String "top-right" Position on the map to which the directions plugin control will be added. Valid values are "top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left", and "bottom-right".
api String Override default ("") routing endpoint url.
interactive Boolean true Enable/Disable mouse or touch interactivity from the plugin.
profile String "mapbox/driving-traffic" Routing profile to use. Options: mapbox/driving-traffic, mapbox/driving, mapbox/walking, mapbox/cycling.
styles Array Override default layer properties of the directions source. Documentation for each property are specified in the Mapbox GL Style Reference
alternatives Boolean false Whether to enable alternatives.
congestion Boolean false Whether to enable congestion along the route line.
unit String "imperial" Measurement system to be used in navigation instructions. Options: imperial, metric.
compile Function null Provide a custom function for generating instruction, compatible with osrm-text-instructions.
geocoder Object Accepts an object containing the query parametres as documented here.
controls Object Hide or display inputs, instructions and profile switch controls.
zoom Number 16 If no bbox exists from the geocoder result, the zoom you set here will be used in the flyTo.
placeholderOrigin String "Choose a starting place" If set, this text will appear as the placeholder attribute for the origin input element.
placeholderDestination String "Choose destination" If set, this text will appear as the placeholder attribute for the destination input element.
flyTo Boolean true If false, animating the map to a selected result is disabled.
exclude String null Exclude certain road types from routing. The default is to not exclude anything. Options: ferry, toll, motorway.
onInit Function () => {} Is passed Mapbox directions instance as param and is executed after Mapbox directions plugin is initialized.
onClear Function () => {} Is passed { type: } as a param and type is one of 'origin' or 'destination'. Fired when input is cleared.
onLoading Function () => {} Is passed { type: } as a param and type is one of 'origin' or 'destination'. Fired when either origin or destination is loading.
onOrigin Function () => {} Is passed { feature } Fired when origin is set.
onDestination Function () => {} Is passed { feature } Fired when destination is set.
onProfile Function () => {} Is passed { profile } Profile is one of 'driving', 'walking', or 'cycling'. Fired when profile is set.
onRoute Function () => {} Is passed { route } Fired when a route is updated
onError Function () => {} Is passed { error } as a param. Error as string.


import 'mapbox-gl/dist/mapbox-gl.css'
import 'react-map-gl-directions/dist/mapbox-gl-directions.css'
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import MapGL from 'react-map-gl'
import Directions from 'react-map-gl-directions'

function getAccessToken() {
  var accessToken = null

  if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.location) {
    var match =[^&\/]*)/)
    accessToken = match && match[1]

  if (!accessToken && typeof process !== 'undefined') {
    // Note: This depends on bundler plugins (e.g. webpack) inmporting environment correctly
    accessToken = accessToken || process.env.MapboxAccessToken // eslint-disable-line

  return accessToken || null

// Ways to set Mapbox token:
const MAPBOX_TOKEN = getAccessToken()

class Example extends Component {
  state = {
    viewport: {
      latitude: 37.7577,
      longitude: -122.4376,
      zoom: 8,

  mapRef = React.createRef()

  handleViewportChange = (viewport) => {
      viewport: { ...this.state.viewport, ...viewport },

  render() {
    return (
        <Directions mapRef={this.mapRef} mapboxApiAccessToken={MAPBOX_TOKEN} />

export default Example

react-map-gl-directions example screenshot


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