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naniar 1.1.0

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@njtierney njtierney released this 06 Mar 09:54


  • Implement impute_fixed, impute_zero, and impute_factor. notably these do not implement "scoped variants" which were previously implemented - for example, impute_fixed_if etc. This is in favour of using the new across workflow within dplyr, and it is easier to maintain. #261
  • Add digit argument to miss_var_summary to help display %missing data correctly when there is a very small fraction of missingness. #284
  • Implemented impute_mode - resolves #213.
  • geom_miss_point() works with shape argument #290
  • Fix bug with all_complete, which was implemented as !anyNA(x) but should be all(complete.cases(x)).
  • Correctly implement any_na() (and any_miss()) and any_complete(). Rework examples to demonstrate workflow for finding complete variables.

Bug fixes

  • Fix bug with shadow_long not working when gathering variables of mixed type. Fix involves specifying a value transform, which defaults to character. #314
  • Implement Date, POSIXct and POSIXlt methods for impute_below() - #158
  • Provide replace_na_with, a complement to replace_with_na - #129
  • Fix bug with gg_miss_fct where it used a deprecated function from forcats - #342


  • Use cli::cli_abort and cli::cli_warn instead of stop and warn (#326)
  • Use expect_snapshot instead of expect_error (#326)


  • Soft deprecated shadow_shift - #193
  • Soft deprecate miss_case_cumsum() and miss_var_cumsum() - #257