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Implement Question Generator with SOTA pre-trained Language Models (RoBERTa, BERT, GPT, BART, T5, etc.)

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Transformer QG on SQuAD Auto-Build

Implement Question Generator with SOTA pre-trained Language Models (RoBERTa, BERT, GPT, BART, T5, etc.)

The inputs of the model refers to

we integrate C and A into a new C' in the following form.
C' = [c1, c2, ..., [HL], a1, ..., a|A|, [HL], ..., c|C|]

Proposed by Ying-Hong Chan & Yao-Chung Fan. (2019). A Re-current BERT-based Model for Question Generation.



  • Fully pipline from fine-tune to evaluation
  • Support most of state of the art models
  • Fast deploy as a API server

Data setting

We report two dataset setting as Follow


  • train: 87599
  • validation: 10570

SQuAD: 100,000+ Questions for Machine Comprehension of Text


  • train: 75722
  • dev: 10570
  • test: 11877

Learning to Ask: Neural Question Generation for Reading Comprehension

Available models

  • BART
  • GPT2
  • T5
  • BERT
  • RoBERTa


We report score with NQG Scorer which is using in SQuAD NQG.

If not special explanation, the size of the model defaults to "base".


Model Bleu 1 Bleu 2 Bleu 3 Bleu 4 METEOR ROUGE-L
BERT-HLSQG (reimplement, FP16) 51.11 34.73 25.66 19.56 22.77 47.91
BART-HLSQG 54.67 39.26 30.34 24.15 25.43 52.64
GPT2-HLSQG 49.31 33.95 25.41 19.69 22.29 48.82
T5-HLSQG 54.29 39.22 30.43 24.26 25.56 53.11


Model Bleu 1 Bleu 2 Bleu 3 Bleu 4 METEOR ROUGE-L
BERT-HLSQG (Chan et al.) 49.73 34.60 26.13 20.33 23.88 48.23
BERT-HLSQG (reimplement, FP16) 50.48 33.82 24.52 18.36 22.11 47.01
BART-HLSQG 54.12 38.19 28.84 22.35 24.55 51.03
GPT2-HLSQG 49.82 33.69 24.71 18.63 21.90 47.60
T5-HLSQG 53.13 37.60 28.62 22.38 24.48 51.20

Using with Transformers


from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("p208p2002/bart-squad-qg-hl")

model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("p208p2002/bart-squad-qg-hl")


from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("p208p2002/t5-squad-qg-hl")

model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("p208p2002/t5-squad-qg-hl")

and more on HF Model Hub!

Run as API server

Using docker (recommend)

docker run -it -p 5000:5000 p208p2002/transformer-qg-on-squad:lastest --server --base_model p208p2002/bart-squad-qg-hl

From your own checkpoint

python --server --base_model YOUR_BASE_MODEL --from_checkpoint FROM_CHECKPOINT

Request example

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'context=Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by [HL] J. K. Rowling. [HL]'
{"predict": "Who wrote the books?"}

Training from scratch

Environment setup

The hole development is based on Ubuntu system

  1. If you don't have pytorch please install or update first (torch>=1.6,<1.8)

  1. Install packages pip install -r requirements.txt

  2. Setup scorer python

  3. Download dataset python

Seq2Seq LM

usage: [-h]
                           [--base_model {facebook/bart-base,facebook/bart-large,t5-small,t5-base,t5-large,p208p2002/bart-squad-qg-hl,p208p2002/bart-squad-nqg-hl,p208p2002/t5-squad-qg-hl,p208p2002/t5-squad-nqg-hl}]
                           [-d {squad,squad-nqg}] [--epoch EPOCH] [--lr LR]
                           [--dev DEV] [--server] [--run_test]
                           [-fc FROM_CHECKPOINT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --base_model {facebook/bart-base,facebook/bart-large,t5-small,t5-base,t5-large,p208p2002/bart-squad-qg-hl,p208p2002/bart-squad-nqg-hl,p208p2002/t5-squad-qg-hl,p208p2002/t5-squad-nqg-hl}
  -d {squad,squad-nqg}, --dataset {squad,squad-nqg}
  --epoch EPOCH
  --lr LR
  --dev DEV
  -fc FROM_CHECKPOINT, --from_checkpoint FROM_CHECKPOINT

Causal LM

usage: [-h]
                          [--base_model {gpt2,gpt2-large,p208p2002/gpt2-squad-qg-hl,p208p2002/gpt2-squad-nqg-hl}]
                          [-d {squad,squad-nqg}] [--epoch EPOCH] [--lr LR]
                          [--dev DEV] [--server] [--run_test]
                          [-fc FROM_CHECKPOINT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --base_model {gpt2,gpt2-large,p208p2002/gpt2-squad-qg-hl,p208p2002/gpt2-squad-nqg-hl}
  -d {squad,squad-nqg}, --dataset {squad,squad-nqg}
  --epoch EPOCH
  --lr LR
  --dev DEV
  -fc FROM_CHECKPOINT, --from_checkpoint FROM_CHECKPOINT

Masked LM

usage: [-h] [--base_model {bert-base-uncased,bert-large-uncased,roberta-base,roberta-large,albert-base-v1,albert-large-v1,albert-base-v2,albert-large-v2}]
                          [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [-d {squad,squad-nqg}] [--epoch EPOCH] [--lr LR] [--dev DEV] [--server] [--run_test] [-fc FROM_CHECKPOINT] [--precision {16,32}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --base_model {bert-base-uncased,bert-large-uncased,roberta-base,roberta-large,albert-base-v1,albert-large-v1,albert-base-v2,albert-large-v2}
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
  -d {squad,squad-nqg}, --dataset {squad,squad-nqg}
  --epoch EPOCH
  --lr LR
  --dev DEV
  -fc FROM_CHECKPOINT, --from_checkpoint FROM_CHECKPOINT
  --precision {16,32}, -fp {16,32}