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Asynchronous service framework, event-driven design, please do not block me.


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SnailX is a tool-kit for building reactive applications with Golang

SnailX is Asynchronous

SnailX is event driven and non blocking. This means your app can handle a lot of concurrency using a small number of kernel threads. SnailX lets your app scale with minimal hardware.

SnailX is Fun

Unlike restrictive traditional application containers, SnailX gives you incredible power and agility to create compelling, scalable, 21st century applications the way you want to, with a minimum of fuss, in the language you want.


go get

Basic Usage

  • snailx

    // using snailx
    x := snailx.New()
    // default service bus, event loop type
    // worker type service bus
    x.DeployWithOptions(&BookConsumerSnail{}, snailx.SnailOptions{ServiceBusKind:snailx.WorkerServiceBus, WorkersNum:4})
    // graceful shutdown
    sigint := make(chan os.Signal,1)
    signal.Notify(sigint, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
    sig := <-sigint
    fmt.Println("sigint:", sig)
    // call snalix stop
    if err := x.Stop(); err != nil {
        fmt.Println("stop failed", err)
  • snail app

    // implement snailx.Snail
    type BookSnail struct {
    	bus snailx.ServiceBus
    func (s *BookSnail) SetServiceBus(bus snailx.ServiceBus) {
    	s.bus = bus
    func (s *BookSnail) Start()  {
    	// deploy service to service bus
    	// the service address must be identity
    	if err := s.bus.Deploy("helloWorkService", HelloWorkService); err != nil {
    		fmt.Println("deploy service failed", err)
    func (s *BookSnail) Stop()  {
    	if err := s.bus.UnDeploy("helloWorkService"); err != nil {
    		fmt.Println("unDeploy service failed", err)
    // implement snailx.Snail
    type BookConsumerSnail struct {
    	bus snailx.ServiceBus
    func (s *BookConsumerSnail) SetServiceBus(bus snailx.ServiceBus) {
    	s.bus = bus
    func (s *BookConsumerSnail) Start()  {
    	// invoke service which is deployed to the service bus
    	// the first param is service address
    	// the second param must be a func which has three param (the first must be bool type, the second must be service result type, the last must be error type)
    	if err := s.bus.Invoke("helloWorkService", &BookGetArg{Name:"book name"}, func(ok bool, book *Book, err error) {
    		fmt.Println("ok:", ok, "book:", book, "err:", err)
    	}); err != nil {
    		fmt.Println("invoke service failed", err)
    func (s *BookConsumerSnail) Stop()  {}
  • service func

    type BookGetArg struct {
    	Name string
    type Book struct {
    	Id string
    	Name string
    	PublishDate time.Time
    // service function, the type of param is must be noted.
    // the first could be every prt type
    // the second must be *snailx.ServiceHandler
    var HelloWorkService = func(arg *BookGetArg, handler *snailx.ServiceHandler) {
    	bookName := arg.Name
    	book := &Book{
    		Id: "some id",
    	// return succeeded result
    	// return failed cause
    	//handler.Failed(fmt.Errorf("some cause"))


  • cluster
  • snail http
  • snail pg client
  • snail net