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Personal website


Throughout the years, I've had many iterations of my personal website. However, I didn't contribute any real worthy reading material to it, I enjoyed keeping up with front-end technologies and evolution of static-site-generators (SSG).

Jekyll, GitBook, Hugo, Gatsby, mdBook, GitBook, VuePress, NextJS, Docusaurus, and (finally) SvelteKit.

I've come to enjoy the simplicity of Svelte and "No Batteries Included" approach of SvelteKit. It's a great fit for my character, I like to tinker and configure things to my liking. It's like Arch Linux, but for web. :)

Tech Stack


Site uses Vercel for deployment and hosting, powered by SvelteKit's @sveltejs/adapter-vercel.

See for more information regarding the adapter.


Use package.json scripts or justfile targets.

Command Description
npm run dev Run dev server
npm run dev -- --open Expose dev server
npm run dev -- --host Expose dev server
npm run build Build the site
npm run preview Preview production build
npm run lint Lint the code
npm run format Format the code


(c) 2024 Rafael Bodill, unless otherwise stated.