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Broadcast messages from one channel to many, with timeouts, server sent events and much more


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The scope of this library is to take an input Go channel (producer) and broadcast the objects sent over it to an arbitrary amount of listeners (consumers).

Listeners are channels of the same type as the input channel. They can be opened and closed at any time and these operations block until the listener is opened/closed.

An incoming object from the input channel is always sent to all current listeners before the next object is consumed. If there are no listeners, the incoming object is dropped, unless the broadcaster is set to blocking mode. It is possible to configure a timeout so blocking listeners won't clog the broadcaster.

Closing the input channel closes all listeners and subsequent calls to Listen() return ErrBroadcasterClosed error.

Server Sent Events

As an extra feature, the library supports the creation of a http.Handler that broadcasts incoming objects from one or more input channels (event sources).

Feature table

Instantiation Input type On-demand Multi-source Converter SSE
NewBroadcaster[T] <-chan T no no no no
NewConverterBroadcaster[In, Out] <-chan In no no yes no
NewOndemandBroadcaster[T] Source[T] yes no no no
NewOndemandConverterBroadcaster[In, Out] Source[In] yes no yes no
NewMultiBroadcaster[K, T] MultiSource[K, T] yes yes no no
NewMultiConverterBroadcaster[K, In, Out] MultiSource[K, In] yes yes yes no
NewSSEBroadcaster <-chan Event no yes* yes* yes
NewMultiSSEBroadcaster[K] MultiEventSource[K] yes yes yes* yes

* SSE broadcasters use the marshaler from an event source and support multiple sources when used with BundleEventSources

API reference

Broadcaster interface, instantiation and options

type Broadcaster[T any] interface {
	Listen(opts ...ListenerOption) (<-chan T, CancelFunc, error)
	IsClosed() bool
	Done() <-chan struct{}

func NewBroadcaster[T any](input <-chan T, opts ...BroadcasterOption) Broadcaster[T]

func WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) BroadcasterOption
func WithListenerBufferSize(bufSize int) BroadcasterOption
func WithBlocking(blocking bool) BroadcasterOption
func WithIdleTimeout(timeout time.Duration) BroadcasterOption

func WithBufferSize(bufSize int) ListenerOption
func WithContext(ctx context.Context) ListenerOption
func WithTimeoutCallback(func()) ListenerOption

Server Sent Events

type Event interface {
	Read() (name, data string)
type Marshaler func(any) ([]byte, error)

func NewEventSource[T any](input <-chan T, eventName string, marshaler Marshaler) <-chan Event
func NewJsonEventSource[T any](input <-chan T, eventName string) <-chan Event
func NewTextEventSource(input <-chan string, eventName string) <-chan Event
func NewTemplateEventSource[T any](input <-chan T, eventName string, t *template.Template, templateName string) <-chan Event
func BundleEventSources(srcs ...<-chan Event) <-chan Event

func NewSSEBroadcaster(src <-chan Event, opts ...BroadcasterOption) http.Handler
  • Marshaler type is compatible with json.Marshal (which is used by default in case marshaler is left nil).
  • eventName can be an empty string.
func ListenSSE(ctx context.Context, url string, opts ...SSEListenerOption) (<-chan Event, error)

func WithClient(client *http.Client) SSEListenerOption
func WithMethod(method string) SSEListenerOption
func WithBody(body io.Reader, contentType string) SSEListenerOption
func WithHeader(key, value0 string, values ...string) SSEListenerOption
func WithEventsBufferSize(bufSize int) SSEListenerOption

On-demand broadcasters

type Source[T any] func() (<-chan T, error)
func NewOndemandBroadcaster[T any](src Source[T], opts ...BroadcasterOption) Broadcaster[T]

type OndemandEventSource func() (<-chan Event, error)
func NewOndemandSSEBroadcaster(src OndemandEventSource, opts ...BroadcasterOption) http.Handler

Multi-source broadcasters

type MultiSource[K comparable, T any] func(K) (<-chan T, CancelFunc, error)

type MultiEventSource[K comparable] interface {
	GetKey(*http.Request) (K, error)
	GetEventSource(K) (<-chan Event, CancelFunc, error)

type MultiBroadcaster[K comparable, T any] interface {
	Listen(key K, opts ...ListenerOption) (<-chan T, CancelFunc, error)

func NewMultiBroadcaster[K comparable, T any](src MultiSource[K, T], opts ...BroadcasterOption) MultiBroadcaster[K, T]
func NewMultiSSEBroadcaster[K comparable](src MultiEventSource[K], opts ...BroadcasterOption) http.Handler

Converter broadcasters

type Converter[In, Out any] func(In) (Out, bool)

func NewConverterBroadcaster[In, Out any](input <-chan In, conv Converter[In, Out], opts ...BroadcasterOption) Broadcaster[Out]
func NewOndemandConverterBroadcaster[In, Out any](src Source[In], conv Converter[In, Out], opts ...BroadcasterOption) Broadcaster[Out]
func NewMultiConverterBroadcaster[K comparable, In, Out any](src MultiSource[K, In], conv Converter[In, Out], opts ...BroadcasterOption) MultiBroadcaster[K, Out]