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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

device: android πŸ€–
device: android :robot:
All things android related
device: ios πŸ“±
device: ios :iphone:
All things ios related
framework: dom 🌐
framework: dom :globe_with_meridians:
Any changes to packages which are exclusively used for DOM-only codebases.
framework: react βš›οΈ
framework: react :atom_symbol:
Any changes to packages which are exclusively used for react code bases.
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed
Pull requests that update Javascript code
needs: information ℹ️
needs: information :information_source:
The issue is currently lacking the required information to correctly diagnose it.
needs: sponsor πŸ₯Ί
needs: sponsor :pleading_face:
Currently seeking sponsorship to carry this issue / pr forward.
needs: verification πŸ”
needs: verification :mag:
The issue was verified in the past but recent changes mean it should be tested again.
package: jest-prosemirror 🎭
package: jest-prosemirror :performing_arts:
A change has occured in the jest-prosemirror package.
package: jest-remirror πŸƒ
package: jest-remirror :black_joker:
Label for the jest-remirror package
package: multishift πŸ”½
package: multishift :arrow_down_small:
Add this label when updating the `multishift` package.
package: prosemirror-suggest πŸ’‘
package: prosemirror-suggest :bulb:
A change has occurred in prosemirror-suggest.
package: @remirror/cli πŸ“Ÿ
package: @remirror/cli :pager:
A label for the remirror cli.
package: remirror 🟣
package: remirror :purple_circle:
Label for the remirror package and all relevant scoped `@remirror/*` packages.
priority: critical ⏫
priority: critical :arrow_double_up:
The best time to have completed this was last week. It needs to be done with urgency.
priority: high πŸ”Ό
priority: high :arrow_up_small:
This should be prioritised and completed soon.
priority: low πŸ”»
priority: low :small_red_triangle_down:
There is no rush in merging this issue. It can be done at earliest convenience..
security πŸ”
security πŸ”
A security issue has been identified
size: huge πŸŸ₯
size: huge :red_square:
This issue should be broken up into smaller issues. If it is a PR then it should be split up.
size: tiny β–ͺ️
size: tiny :black_small_square:
A small issue that could be completed in an hour or less based on current information.
status: blocked 🚫
status: blocked :no_entry_sign:
Certain factors make it impossible to work on this issue at the current time.
status: confirmed 🟒
status: confirmed :green_circle:
The bug has been tested and confirmed.
status: duplicate ❄️
status: duplicate :snowflake:
This issue already exists elsewhere.
status: experimental πŸ§ͺ
status: experimental :test_tube:
Still unsure if this is viable but this has been created to check.
status: sponsored πŸ’–
status: sponsored :sparkling_heart:
All issues and pull requests which have been requested from or created by sponsors.
status: won't fix 🚫
status: won't fix :no_entry_sign:
This will not be worked on
test: e2e βœ”οΈ
test: e2e :heavy_check_mark:
A label which matches e2e test updates.
test: unit βœ…
test: unit :white_check_mark:
A label for updating tests and test configuration.