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!!! this project is obsolete !!!

A Webstart plugin for sbt

At the moment, this is only a rough draft, just enough to get my own
projects running. Let me know what you think.

To build this code, get and install SBT from

Get and install these plugins before building:

Build and publish the plugin:
    git clone
    cd xsbt-webstart
    sbt publish-local

Add the plugin to your project in project/plugins.sbt:
    addSbtPlugin("de.djini" % "xsbt-webstart" % <version>)

Include the plugin in your project's build.sbt:

    webstartGenConfig := Some(GenConfig(
        dname       = "CN=Snake Oil, OU=An Anonymous Hacker, O=Bad Guys Inc., L=Bielefeld, ST=33641, C=DE",
        validity    = 365

    webstartKeyConfig := Some(KeyConfig(
        keyStore    = file("my/keyStore"),
        storePass   = "password",
        alias       = "alias",
        keyPass     = "password"

    webstartJnlpConfigs    := Seq(JnlpConfig(
        fileName    = "my.jnlp",
        descriptor  = (fileName:String, assets:Seq[JnlpAsset]) => {
            <jnlp spec="6.0+" codebase="$$codebase" href={fileName}>
                    <title>My Title</title>
                    <vendor>My Company</vendor>
                    <description>My Webstart Project</description>
                    <icon href="my_icon.png"/>
                    <icon href="my_splash.png" kind="splash"/>
                    <j2se version="1.8+" max-heap-size="192m"/>
                    { assets map { _.toElem } }
                <application-desc main-class="my.Main"/>

    on osx this file must contain the line
    Permissions: all-permissions
    or the java security settings cannot be set to "very high"
    webstartManifest    := Some(file("path/to/MANIFEST.MF"))

Once set up you can use the following tasks in sbt:

    webstart        creates a directory with a JNLP file and all necessary jar files
    webstartKeygen  creates a keyStore, fails if it already exists