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Danger plugin for npm-check-updates.


  • Support Private Package
  • Support monorepo. e.g lerna
  • Support Package Lock (package-lock.json or yarn.lock) version



yarn add danger-plugin-npm-check-updates --dev

At a glance:

// dangerfile.js
import { schedule } from 'danger'
import path from 'path'
import npmCheckUpdates from 'danger-plugin-npm-check-updates'

// Note: You need to use schedule()
  monorepo: true, // optional
  timeout: 5000, // optional
  packageFile: path.join(__dirname, './package.json'), // optional


export interface RunOptions {
   * rc config file path (default: directory of `packageFile` or ./ otherwise)
  configFilePath?: string;

   * rc config file name (default: .ncurc.{json,yml,js})
  configFileName?: string;

   * Used as current working directory for `spawn` in npm listing
  cwd?: string;

   * check only a specific section(s) of dependencies:
   * prod|dev|peer|optional|bundle (comma-delimited)
  dep?: string;

   * upgrade to version which satisfies engines.node range
  enginesNode?: boolean;

   * set the error-level. 1: exits with error code 0 if no errors occur. 2:
   * exits with error code 0 if no packages need updating (useful for
   * continuous integration). Default is 1.
  errorLevel?: number;

   * include only package names matching the given string,
   * comma-or-space-delimited list, or /regex/
  filter?: string | string[] | RegExp;

   * find the highest versions available instead of the latest stable versions
  greatest?: boolean;

   * do not upgrade newer versions that are already satisfied by the version
   * range according to semver
  minimal?: boolean;

   * find the newest versions available instead of the latest stable versions
  newest?: boolean;

   * npm (default)
  packageManager?: string;

   * package file location (default: ./package.json)
  packageFile?: string;

   * Include -alpha, -beta, -rc. Default: 0. Default with --newest and
   * --greatest: 1
  pre?: boolean;

   * Used as current working directory in npm
  prefix?: string;

   * specify third-party npm registry
  registry?: string;

   * exclude dependency matching the given string, comma-or-space-delimited
   * list, or /regex/
  reject?: string | string[] | RegExp;

   * remove version ranges from the final package version
  removeRange?: boolean;

   * find the highest version within "major" or "minor"
  semverLevel?: string;

   * a global timeout in ms
  timeout?: number;

export interface Options extends RunOptions {
   * set repo is monorepo
  monorepo?: boolean;

   * monorepo prefix dir. (default: packages)
  monorepoPrefix?: string;

   * find and check changed monorepo package, instead of all packages. (default: false)
  onlyChangedPackages?: boolean;

   * exclude packages matching the given string, comma-or-space-delimited
   * list, or /regex/
  excludePackages?: string | string[] | RegExp;

   * ignore lock version. (default: true)
  ignoreLockVersion?: boolean;

Sample message

sample message


See the GitHub release history.

