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This action is a part of GitHub Actions Library created by rtCamp.

PHPCS Code Review - GitHub Action

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.

A GitHub Action to perform automated pull request review. It is based on but can be used for any WordPress or even PHP projects.

The code review is performed using PHPCS.

Please note that, this action performs pull request review only. If you have an existing project, and you want entire project's code to be reviwed, you may need to do it manually.


  1. Create a .github/workflows/phpcs.yml in your GitHub repo, if one doesn't exist already.
  2. Add the following code to the phpcs.yml file.
on: pull_request

name: Inspections
    name: Run PHPCS inspection
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v3
        ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
    - name: Run PHPCS inspection
      uses: rtCamp/action-phpcs-code-review@v3
        GH_BOT_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GH_BOT_TOKEN }}
        SKIP_FOLDERS: "tests,.github"
        PHPCS_SNIFFS_EXCLUDE: "WordPress.Files.FileName"
        args: "WordPress,WordPress-Core,WordPress-Docs"
  1. Define GH_BOT_TOKEN using GitHub Action's Secret. See GitHub Token Creation section for more details.

Now, next time you create a pull request or commit on an existing pull request, this action will run.

By default, pull request will be reviwed using WordPress coding and documentation standards. You can change the default by passing different PHPCS Coding Standard(s) in line args = ["WordPress-Core,WordPress-Docs"].

  1. In case you want to skip PHPCS scanning in any pull request, add [do-not-scan] in the PR description. You can add it anywhere in the description and it will skip the action run for that pull request.

  2. In case you want to skip linting all files on every pull request, set PHP_LINT to false.

GitHub Token Creation

You can create GitHub Token from here.

It is necessary that you create this token from a bot user account. Please note that the bot account should have access to the repo in which action is being run, in case it is a private repo. It is compulsory to use a bot account because in GitHub it is forbidden to request changes on your own Pull Request by your own user. Additional benefit of using a bot account is that in a large team, if you use your human account token, you may get flooded with unncessary Github notifications.

Permissions required for this token differ according to which type of repo this workflow has been setup for.

Repo Type Permissions Required Screenshots
Public Under Repo section, only public_repo permission Screenshot Public Repo
Private Complete repo and write:discussion permissions Screenshot Private Repo

Environment Variables

Variable Default Possible Values Purpose
SKIP_FOLDERS - tests,tests,.github (Any other comma seprated top level directories in the repo) If any specific folders should be ignored when scanning, then a comma seprated list of values should be added to this env variable.
PHPCS_SNIFFS_EXCLUDE - WordPress.Files.FileName (Any other comma seprated list of valid sniffs) Single sniff or comma seprated list of sniffs to be excluded from the phpcs scan.
PHP_LINT true true or false, case insensitive (Any unknown value is the same as passing true) If the default automatic linting of all PHP files should be deactivated, then this env variable should be set to false.
PHPCS_STANDARD_FILE_NAME - phpcs ruleset file from project root dir. i.e phpcs.ruleset.xml PHP_CodeSniffer ruleset filename. Default filename available: '.phpcs.xml', 'phpcs.xml', '.phpcs.xml.dist', 'phpcs.xml.dist'
PHPCS_FILE_PATH - Custom phpcs execution file path from project. i.e Composer phpcs path. 'vendor/bin/phpcs' This is useful in case of needed to use any custom coding standards apart from pre-defined in VIP/WP Coding Standards. Wiki
SKIP_DRAFT_PRS false true/false Set it to true to skip PHPCS checks on draft PRs.
PHPCS_PHP_VERSION 8.1 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, or 8.2 To use a different PHP interpreter than the system default.

Modifying the bot’s behavior

You can change the bot’s behavior by placing a configuration file named .vipgoci_options at the root of the relevant repository. This file must contain a valid JSON string for this to work; if the file is not parsable, it will be ignored. This file is where you can add code to turn off support messages as well as adjust PHPCS severity levels.

i.e: You can update phpcs severity:

  "phpcs-severity": 5

Allowed options:

  • "skip-execution"
  • "skip-draft-prs"
  • "results-comments-sort"
  • "review-comments-include-severity"
  • "phpcs"
  • "phpcs-severity"
  • "post-generic-pr-support-comments"
  • "phpcs-sniffs-include"
  • "phpcs-sniffs-exclude"
  • "hashes-api"
  • "svg-checks"
  • "autoapprove"
  • "autoapprove-php-nonfunctional-changes

For more details please check the documentation for all options here.

Skipping PHPCS scanning for specific folders

You can add files to the root of the repository indicating folders that should not be scanned. For PHPCS, the file should be named .vipgoci_phpcs_skip_folders. For PHP Linting the file should be named .vipgoci_lint_skip_folders. Please ensure both files are located in the root of the repository.

This can be used as an alternate to SKIP_FOLDERS env variable.

Please note that the folders exlcuded in the PHPCS xml file do not work in this action, you can check the reason here. Instead you should add all the folders to be excluded in either SKIP_FOLDERS env or .vipgoci_phpcs_skip_folders file.

List each folder to be skipped on individual lines within those files.



For more details, please check the documentation here.

PHPCS Coding Standards

Below is list of PHPCS sniffs available at runtime. You can pass more than one standard at a time by comma separated value.

By default, WordPress-Core,WordPress-Docs value is passed.

  • MySource
  • PEAR
  • PHPCompatibility
  • PHPCompatibilityParagonieRandomCompat
  • PHPCompatibilityParagonieSodiumCompat
  • PHPCompatibilityWP
  • PSR1
  • PSR12
  • PSR2
  • Squiz
  • WordPress (default)
  • WordPress-Core (default)
  • WordPress-Docs (default)
  • WordPress-Extra
  • WordPress-VIP
  • WordPress-VIP-Go
  • WordPressVIPMinimum
  • Zend

Custom Sniffs

Default filename supported:

  • .phpcs.xml
  • phpcs.xml
  • .phpcs.xml.dist
  • phpcs.xml.dist

If your git repo has a file named phpcs.xml in the root of the repository, then that will take precedence. In that case, value passed to args such as args = ["WordPress,WordPress-Core,WordPress-Docs"] will be ignored.

If your git repo doesn't have phpcs.xml and you do not specify args in main.workflow PHPCS action, then this actions will fallback to default.

If your git repo has phpcs ruleset file other than default filename list, use PHPCS_STANDARD_FILE_NAME environment var to provide filename.

Here is a sample phpcs.xml you can use in case you want to use custom sniffs.

Custom Coding Standards

If you have custom coding standards from your git repository, you can use composer and use phpcs from execution from your repository phpcs file with the help of PHPCS_FILE_PATH environment variable. Please refer this wiki page for more information.


Automated Code Review in action

Automated PHPCS Code Review


Please note...

  1. This action runs only for PRs. It even runs on new commits pushed after a PR is created.
  2. This action doesn't run on code in the repository added before this action.
  3. This action doesn't run for code committed directly to a branch. We highly recommend that you disable direct commits to your main/master branch.


MIT © 2019 rtCamp

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