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Lightning Network (lightning-network)

A Haskell interface for the Lightning Network.

Tools for working with payments on the Lightning Netowrk and interacting with a Lightning Network node through its REST API.



  1. Use Authorization.Macaroon.load to read a macaroon from a file.
  2. Import servant Api from Lightning.Node.Api.
  3. Generate a servant client for this Api.
  4. Use the client to talk to a node.


import qualified Authorization.Macaroon as Mac

And then use Mac.load to read your macaroon from a file.

Generic client

A generic client will give you back a record whose fields will contain functions for accessing the API.

You will have to add these to your dependencies:

  • servant
  • servant-client
  • servant-client-core

Here is how to get a top-level generic client:

import Servant.API.Generic (fromServant)
import Servant.Client (Client, ClientM)
import Servant.Client.Generic (AsClientT, genericClient)

import Lightning.Internal.Invoice (Bolt11)
import Lightning.Node.Api (Api (_v1), ApiV1 (..))

import qualified Lightning.Node.Api as L

api :: Api (AsClientT ClientM)
api = genericClient

Digging deeper to get actual endpoints is a little tricky (for example, see this issue). In order to unwrap the next level of the API, you will already need your macaroon (see the previous section).

TODO: Come up with a better way.

_getInfo :: ClientM L.NodeInfo
_genInvoice :: L.InvoiceReq -> ClientM L.InvoiceRep
_listInvoices :: Maybe L.InvoiceLabel -> ClientM L.ListInvoicesRep
_listChannels :: ClientM [L.ListChannelsElem]
_pay :: L.PayReq -> ClientM L.PayRep
_decodePay :: Bolt11 -> ClientM L.DecodePayRep
_listPayments :: Maybe Bolt11 -> ClientM L.ListPaymentsRep

  { _getInfo
  , _genInvoice
  , _listInvoices
  , _listChannels
  , _pay
  , _decodePay
  , _listPayments
  } = fromServant @_ @(AsClientT ClientM) (_v1 api macaroon)

Non-generic client

Alternatively, you can generate a plain non-generic servant client.

You will have to add these to your dependencies:

  • servant
  • servant-client
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (Proxy))
import Servant.API ((:<|>) ((:<|>)))
import Servant.API.Generic (ToServantApi)
import Servant.Client (Client, ClientM, client)
import Lightning.Node.Api (Api)

import Authorization.Macaroon (Macaroon)
import qualified Lightning.Node.Api as L

api :: Client ClientM (ToServantApi Api)
api = client (Proxy :: Proxy (ToServantApi Api))

_getInfo :: ClientM L.NodeInfo
_genInvoice :: L.InvoiceReq -> ClientM L.InvoiceRep
_listInvoices :: Maybe L.InvoiceLabel -> ClientM L.ListInvoicesRep
_listChannels :: ClientM [L.ListChannelsElem]
_pay :: L.PayReq -> ClientM L.PayRep
_decodePay :: Bolt11 -> ClientM L.DecodePayRep
_listPayments :: Maybe Bolt11 -> ClientM L.ListPaymentsRep

_getInfo :<|> _genInvoice :<|> _listInvoices :<|> _listChannels :<|> _pay :<|> _decodePay :<|> _listPayments = api macaroon


If you encounter any issues when using this library or have improvement ideas, please open report in issue on GitHub. You are also very welcome to submit pull request, if you feel like doing so.


MPL-2.0 © Serokell