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GitHub Skills

Learn how to use GitHub with interactive courses designed for beginners and experts.

Advance your GitHub journey

Learn how to use GitHub with interactive courses designed for beginners and experts.

  • Learning should be fun: There are no simulations or boring tutorials here, just hands-on lessons created by GitHub and taught with GitHub Actions.
  • Real projects: Learn new skills while working in your own copy of a real project.
  • Helpful bot: GitHub Actions provides instructions and feedback throughout your journey.
  • Real workflow: Everything happens with real GitHub features, such as Issues, Actions, and Codespaces.

Get started building your own courses with our GitHub Skills Quickstart Guide. 🌟


  1. introduction-to-github introduction-to-github Public template

    Get started using GitHub in less than an hour.

    4k 1.7k

  2. communicate-using-markdown communicate-using-markdown Public template

    Organize ideas and collaborate using Markdown, a lightweight language for text formatting.

    453 240

  3. hello-github-actions hello-github-actions Public template

    Create a GitHub Action and use it in a workflow.

    379 231

  4. github-pages github-pages Public template

    Create a site or blog from your GitHub repositories with GitHub Pages.

    641 167

  5. test-with-actions test-with-actions Public template

    Create workflows that enable you to use Continuous Integration (CI) for your projects.

    195 110

  6. review-pull-requests review-pull-requests Public template

    Collaborate and work together on GitHub.

    HTML 162 127


Showing 10 of 24 repositories