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I'm Jan! Head of Development @U+ | Architect, Tech Lead

Anything can run on AWS Lambda (PHP, Rust, C, Node, Python, all doable).


I specialiase in tech consulting, tech management and backend micro-projects. I can write recommendation and feedback on anything related to technical projects. I'm good with startups, freelancers, corporates as well as government (experienced it all). Microservices and binary-based projects are awesome!


Check-out my Linkedin (Li is still king):

List of stuff I know

  • AWS: Lambda, S3, Glacier, EC*, RDS, Cf, ApiGw, IAM, Route53, Layers, Policies, MemCache
  • GCP: CloudRun, Registry, IAM
  • Python: Flask, Boto, Fastapi, Poetry, ImageMagick,
  • PHP: Composer, Symfony, Doctrine, Bref, running serverless,
  • Node (TS): Express, Prisma, Nest, binaries on Lambda, Multer, Sharp, Pino, encryption & security,
  • Browser (TS): Next, React, Tailwind, StyledComponents, Mui, Emotion, DayJS (fuk moment), yup, react-hook-forms (and any react-hooks really),
  • Misc: NPM modules setup & publishing, Eslint & prettier freak.

List of stuff I did

  • Image optimization in serverless, major european ecommerce,
  • File browser, React virtual DOM with thousands of files, scrolling, file actions,
  • Corporate property management, lot of monoliths, breaking down to microservices, dealing with skeptical management,
  • VR/AR/big data, transpiling huge files, conversions between formats, speed optimitaions, visualization in WebGL,
  • IoT, ESPhome, WLED, making stuff comunicate between each other (mostly higher-level programing),
  • Lead multiple teams, across multiple projects, coordinate client and developers, sync expectations, own projects,
  • Project manage multiple dev & product teams, setup Jira, set processes (including documentation) for onboarding, for hiring, resource re-allocation,
  • Migration of 250k users from on-prem system to Auth0 (Okta), led solution architecture of impacted systems,
  • Architecture of enterprise application with effort on integrating 3rd party services (RealPage, Brivo, Ruckus, etc.),
  • more might come <3

Useful links I keep for myself


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