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This repo contains learning content about Solana token related features and functionality

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This repo contains learning content about Solana token related features and functionality




This quest is designed to introduce you to building on Solana. We provide complete code samples that you can modify, copy, and run directly on your machine.

Purpose :- This program is designed to help you understand and work with Solana's SPL Token program.

Dapp-state → The current state of the decentralized application (DApp) includes four transactions.

Now what is solana tx you will learn here more about it here.

  1. First two for nft mint and transfer
  • NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens): They are unique digital items like artwork or game items. When you "mint" an NFT, you create it, and when you transfer it, you change its ownership.
  1. Second two for fungible token mint and transfer
  • Fungible Tokens: These tokens work like digital coins. When you "mint" them, you create new ones, and when you transfer them, you can send or receive them.

Prerequisites for this are suitable for:

  • Web developers familiar with JavaScript/TypeScript.
  • Individuals enthusiastic about learning new things within the solana ecosystem.
  • Those who already understand basic Solana programming models.

Code repositories for this quest

  1. full-stake

This is backend plus client code

  1. backend-specific

This is rust solana token program code

  1. client-specific

this is solana tokens frontend code

Technological Requirements for This Quest

FullStake Dapp→ (frontend + backend)

Backend:- Rust, typescript, anchor, solana(clusters and cli and frameworks, wallet accounts, rust packages and crates),metaplex ,cpi,pda,anchor spl token program

Frontend:- Nextjs ,npm, yarn, solana dapp-scaffold, IDL (interface description language), typescript, jsx, tailwind


[Spl token program and token 2022 + compresssed nfts]

The current state of example is contain repos, example-d-app and content about spl token-mint and transfer to another wallet

Deployed link on vercel of this quest


SPl Library

  • A collection of on-chain programs that target the Solana Sealevel runtime.
  • These programs are tested against Solana's implementation of Sealevel.

Eth Contracts

In Ethereum, for ERC-20 tokens, each fungible token has its smart contract. For ERC-721 (or ERC-1155), each non-fungible token collection has its own contract.

Solana program

Just like Ethereum contracts, Solana has programs. These programs contain executable codes that interpret instructions and send them to each transaction on the chain.

Acc/ Blocks

  • The program account owns the state storage account, and programs themselves are stateless.
  • Accounts collect rent, which is a term used by validators. Behind the scenes, it involves mathematical calculations.

Some things about solana program

  • Programs are executable accounts.
  • Programs can only change the data and debit accounts they own.
  • Programs have two types: native and executable. Native programs are built into the core system, while executable programs are custom-made by other devs. Both types run in parallel in the Sealevel runtime.
  • Stateless programs are compiled by SBF and BPF code.
  • There are native and on-chain programs.
  • Data accounts are used for state storage.
  • Program accounts are stateless.
  • Executable programs are loaded by the BPF loader program and are also upgradable after deployment to the network.

Spl Token program

A Rust crate(crab) acts as an interface for SPL tokens, working like an ERC-20 token interface.

The crab(rust) crate type is a library, which means it's reusable functionality. Think of it like Lego bricks that fit together to build a package, and we store these in modules.

The Solana Token Program is your go-to solution! It's like a magic toolkit that equips you with all the tools necessary to create your own customized tokens and release them on the Solana blockchain.

Here's the exciting part: you don't have to be a coding expert. The Token Program offers both the fundamental code (like a blueprint) and a user-friendly interface. Picture it as a Lego set with easy-to-follow instructions – you can utilize it to craft your own special solana tokens.

This program defines a common implementation for Fungible and Non Fungible tokens.

The Solana Token Program is like a Lego set for making tokens. To build Solana tokens, you'll need JS helpers or js binding methods and APIs etc...

How to work with SPL token program

JS helpers: These are like time-saving mini-tools that handle common tasks for you.

Binding methods: They connect your JavaScript code with the Solana Token Program, making it easy to interact with your tokens.

APIs: These are instructions for telling the program what to do, like creating tokens or transferring ownership.

By engaging with these tools you will level up your token-building skills and let you create even cooler Solana tokens.

Solana ATA

Solana provides an ATA (Associated Token Account) structure for mapping(or can be tracking) token(crypto tokens) accounts(solana lego block), similar to Ethereum's solidity(mapping) structure.

User Wallet address + specific token mint === generate a pda (mapped acc) for a specific token