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#! /src/run/opt

A collection of open source works specifically centered around external projects, typically mirrors and non-maintained repos.


  1. catalog-exports-library catalog-exports-library Public

    Forked from umpirsky/list-generator

    Export data to various formats.


  2. catalog-iso-3166-1-countries catalog-iso-3166-1-countries Public

    Forked from umpirsky/country-list

    📓 A comprehensive catalog of ISO-3166-1 countries, formatted in a broad array of different file formats (from CSV to JSON to YAML to SQL and more).


  3. catalog-iso-4217-currencies catalog-iso-4217-currencies Public

    Forked from umpirsky/currency-list

    📓 A comprehensive catalog of ISO-4217 currencies, formatted in a broad array of different file formats (from CSV to JSON to YAML to SQL and more).

    HTML 1

  4. catalog-iso-639-1-languages catalog-iso-639-1-languages Public

    Forked from umpirsky/language-list

    📓 A comprehensive catalog of ISO-639-1 languages, formatted in a broad array of different file formats (from CSV to JSON to YAML to SQL and more).


  5. catalog-iso-639-and-3166-locales catalog-iso-639-and-3166-locales Public

    Forked from umpirsky/locale-list

    📓 A comprehensive catalog of locals in combined ISO-639 and ISO 3166 notation, formatted in a broad array of different file formats (from CSV to JSON to YAML to SQL and more).


  6. catalog-top-level-domains catalog-top-level-domains Public

    Forked from umpirsky/tld-list

    📓 Comprehensive catalog of all top-level domains, formatted in a broad array of different file formats (from CSV to JSON to YAML to SQL and more).



Showing 10 of 15 repositories


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