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Releases: strawberry-graphql/strawberry

馃崜 0.232.2

28 May 21:37
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This release fixes an issue that would prevent using lazy aliased connections to
annotate a connection field.

For example, this should now work correctly:


class Fruit: ...

FruitConnection: TypeAlias = ListConnection[Fruit]

class Query:
    fruits: Annotated["FruitConnection", strawberry.lazy("types")] = (

Releases contributed by @bellini666 via #3524

馃崜 0.232.1

27 May 23:21
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This release fixes an issue where mypy would complain when using a typed async
resolver with strawberry.field(resolver=...).

Now the code will type check correctly. We also updated our test suite to make
we catch similar issues in the future.

Releases contributed by @patrick91 via #3516

馃崜 0.232.0

25 May 15:13
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This release improves type checking for async resolver functions when used as

Now doing this will raise a type error:

import strawberry

def some_resolver() -> int:
    return 0

class User:
    # Note the field being typed as str instead of int
    name: str = strawberry.field(resolver=some_resolver)

Releases contributed by @bricker via #3241

馃崜 0.231.1

25 May 10:15
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Fixes an issue where lazy annotations raised an error when used together with a List

Releases contributed by @jeich via #3388

馃崜 0.231.0

25 May 09:10
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When calling the CLI without all the necessary dependencies installed,
a MissingOptionalDependenciesError will be raised instead of a
ModuleNotFoundError. This new exception will provide a more helpful
hint regarding how to fix the problem.

Releases contributed by @parafoxia via #3511

馃崜 0.230.0

22 May 17:33
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This release adds support for @oneOf on input types! 馃帀 You can use
one_of=True on input types to create an input type that should only have one
of the fields set.

import strawberry

class ExampleInputTagged:
    a: str | None = strawberry.UNSET
    b: int | None = strawberry.UNSET

Releases contributed by @patrick91 via #3429

馃崜 0.229.2

22 May 14:18
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This release fixes an issue when using Annotated + strawberry.lazy +
deferred annotations such as:

from __future__ import annotations
import strawberry
from typing import Annotated

class Query:
    a: Annotated["datetime", strawberry.lazy("datetime")]

schema = strawberry.Schema(Query)

Before this would only work if datetime was not inside quotes. Now it should
work as expected!

Releases contributed by @bellini666 via #3507

馃崜 0.229.1

15 May 18:39
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This release fixes a regression from 0.229.0 where using a generic interface
inside a union would return an error.

Releases contributed by @patrick91 via #3502

馃崜 0.229.0

12 May 11:28
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This release improves our support for generic types, now using the same the same
generic multiple times with a list inside an interface or union is supported,
for example the following will work:

import strawberry

class BlockRow[T]:
    items: list[T]

class Query:
    def blocks(self) -> list[BlockRow[str] | BlockRow[int]]:
        return [
            BlockRow(items=["a", "b", "c"]),
            BlockRow(items=[1, 2, 3, 4]),

schema = strawberry.Schema(query=Query)

Releases contributed by @patrick91 via #3463

馃崜 0.228.0

12 May 11:00
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This releases updates the JSON scalar definition to have the updated specifiedBy URL.

The release is marked as minor because it will change the generated schema if you're using the JSON scalar.

Releases contributed by @Birdi7 via #3478