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Provides the third workflow component: WorkGraph, to design flexible node-based workflows using AiiDA.

In AiiDA, there are two workflow components: workfunction and WorkChain. Workfunction is easy to implement but it does not support automatic checkpointing, which is important for long-running calculations. Workchain supports automatic checkpointing but it is difficult to implement and also not as flexible as the workfunction. AiiDA-WorkGraph provides the third component: WorkGraph. It is easy to implement and supports automatic checkpointing. It is also flexible and can be used to design complex workflows.

Here is a detailed comparison between the WorkGraph with two AiiDA built-in workflow components.

Aspect WorkFunction WorkChain WorkGraph
Use Case Short-running jobs Long-running jobs Long-running jobs
Checkpointing No Yes Yes
Execution order Sequential Hybrid Sequential-Parallel Directed Acyclic Graph
Non-blocking No Yes Yes
Implementation Easy Difficult Easy
Dynamic No No Yes
Ready to Use Yes Need PYTHONPATH Yes
Subprocesses Handling No Launches & waits Launches & waits
Flow Control All if, while if, while, match
Termination Hard exit ExitCode ExitCode
Data Passing Direct passing Context Link & Context
Output Recording Limited support Out & validates Out
Port Exposing Limited support Manual & automatic Manual


    pip install aiida-workgraph

To install the latest version from source, first clone the repository and then install using pip:

git clone
cd aiida-workgraph
pip install -e .

In order to use the widget, you also need to run:

cd aiida_workgraph/widget/
npm install
npm run build


Check the docs and learn about the features.


Suppose we want to calculate (x + y) * z in two steps. First, add x and y, then multiply the result with z.

from aiida.engine import calcfunction
from aiida_workgraph import WorkGraph

# define add calcfunction
def add(x, y):
    return x + y

# define multiply calcfunction
def multiply(x, y):
    return x*y

# Create a workgraph to link the nodes.
wg = WorkGraph("test_add_multiply"), name="add1"), name="multiply1")["add1"].outputs["result"], wg.nodes["multiply1"].inputs["x"])

Prepare inputs and submit the workflow:

from aiida import load_profile


wg.submit(inputs = {"add1": {"x": 2, "y": 3}, "multiply1": {"y": 4}}, wait=True)
print("Result of multiply1 is", wg.nodes["multiply1"].outputs[0].value)

Start the web app, open a terminal and run:

workgraph web start

Then visit the page, you should find a first_workflow Worktree, click the pk and view the WorkGraph.

One can also generate the node graph from the process:

verdi node generate pk


Pre-commit and Tests

To contribute to this repository, please enable pre-commit so the code in commits are conform to the standards.

pip install -e .[tests, pre-commit]
pre-commit install

Web app

See the

Build and publish

Build package:

pip install build
python -m build

Upload to PyPI:

pip install twine
twine upload dist/*
