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This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 3, 2022. It is now read-only.


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NOTE 1: pants-pyoxidizer-plugin was accepted into the Pants repo as an experimental plugin on Feb 3, 2022

So this repo is being archived. All future bug fixes will occur in the Pants repo.

NOTE 2: Additional Pants plugins are being prototyped at:

Bug fixes, feature requests, or additional plugins may be requested there.


Please note: This is my first time writing a Pants Plugin - so this should not be used as an example of the "right" way to do it, or even A way to do it. I'm flailing around and committing periodically - monkeys on a keyboard approach.


  1. Scaffold a Pants plugin that does basically nothing
  2. Refer to Docker plugin for inspiration on how to approach PyOx
  3. Oxidize Pants emitted wheel or pex
  4. Oxidize source through Pants python_sources

Examples/Libraries to test

These are some typical workflows, which also highlight some unique circumstances in PyOx's packaging

  1. Hello World
  2. FastAPI -> Installing Classified Resources on the Filesystem
  3. Numpy -> Installing Unclassified Files on the Filesystem
  4. GUI -> Works on MacOS with Kivy using the patch/workaround mentioned below

Compilation Instructions

./pants --version
./pants package ::

Next Steps

  1. Take available PyOxidizer configuration or fallback to sane default
  2. Save binary to flattened dist/ -> Probably won't do until upstream
  3. Add debug and release build flags -> Added to pants.toml as args (applies for all targets, not individuals)


There are some workarounds for existing libraries - which are unrelated to Pants, but specifically related to PyOxidizer.

Missing sys.argv[0]

Some libraries require the calling filename, which PyOxidizer does not provide. While not a stable workaround, a hack could be placing this code at the top of the main module. This code is placed in the hellokivy and hellotyper examples.

import sys

# Patch missing sys.argv[0] which is None for some reason when using PyOxidizer
if sys.argv[0] is None:
    sys.argv[0] = sys.executable
    print(f"Patched sys.argv to {sys.argv}")