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A package to generate Verilog/SystemVerilog codes (primarily targeted on FPGAs) and offer an introductory HLS (high level synthesis) on Julia.

You may:

  • Convert Verilog-like Julia code into objects
  • Automatically infer wire width in always-blocks
  • Construct Finite State Machines in a simple method

Examples and full documents are available here.

Brief Introduction

If you have IJulia locally, execute

using VerilogWriter

(or make .jl file and execute codes with julia <filename>.jl instead.) and then

x = @always (
    dout = d1 + d2;
    if b1
        dout = ~d1
    elseif b2 
        dout = ~d2

(note that variables such as dout, b1 are not declared anywhere.)

and now you see the following:

always_comb begin
    dout = (d1 + d2);
    if (b1) begin
        dout = ~d1;
    end else if (b2) begin
        dout = ~d2;
type: Alwayscontent

Another example is

ps = @ports (
    @in b1, CLK, RST
ds = @decls (
    @reg 8 dreg1
c = @always (
    reg1 <= dreg1;
    if b1 
        reg2 <= reg1[7:6]
        reg3 <= reg1[0]
        reg4 <= reg1
        reg5 <= $(Wireexpr(32, 4))
        reg5 <= 0

m = Vmodule("test")
vpush!.(m, (ps, ds, c))
module test (
    input b1,
    input CLK,
    input RST
    reg [7:0] dreg1;
    logic [7:0] reg1;
    logic [1:0] reg2;
    logic reg3;
    logic [7:0] reg4;
    logic [31:0] reg5;

    always_ff @( posedge CLK ) begin
        if (RST) begin
            reg1 <= 0;
            reg2 <= 0;
            reg3 <= 0;
            reg4 <= 0;
            reg5 <= 0;
        end else begin
            reg1 <= dreg1;
            if (b1) begin
                reg2 <= reg1[7:6];
                reg3 <= reg1[0];
                reg4 <= reg1;
                reg5 <= 32'd4;
            end else begin
                reg5 <= 0;
type: Vmodule

(of course this verilog module itself is far from being useful.)


This package offers a simple method to write on Julia Verilog/SystemVerilog codes not as raw strings but as objects with certain structures, such as always-block-objects, port-declaration-objects, and so on (not as sophisticated as, for example, Chisel is, though).

The motivation here is that it would be nice if we could write Verilog/SystemVerilog with the power of the Julia language, with a minimal amount of additional syntaxes (function calls, constructors, etc.).

As in the examples above, we offer, for instance, simple macros to convert Verilog-like Julia code into certain objects that have proper structure found in Verilog codes.


This module is not yet registered, so

using Pkg

would work. Or simply

git clone ""

and try tutorial.ipynb in /src.

Dockerfile to build environment with julia and this module is also available in this repository.

What is Left to be Done

It seems too many things are left to be done to make this VerilogWriter.jl, at least to some extent, useful, but to list few of them,

Unsupported Syntaxes

Lots of operators and syntaxes in Verilog/SystemVerilog is not supported (e.g. for, generate for, interfaces, tasks, always_latch, some of indexed part select, and so on), although some of them can be replaced by using Julia syntaxes instead (e.g. using Julia for loop and generate multiple always blocks instead of Verilog), or rather it is better to use Julia-for instead to make use of the power of Julia language (Verilog for-loop which changes its behavior according to parameters of the module cannot be imitated this way).

Not Enough Handlers of the Structs

We offer here some structs to imitate what is done in Verilog codes, but few functions to handle them are offered together. Still you can construct some more functions to handle the structs offered here, making it a little easier to make more complex Verilog modules.