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Example Cypress XML Reporter

Example repo showing how the Cypress Test Runner, the Cypress XML Reporter, and Testspace can work together. The repo demonstrates how screenshots, videos, and logs of failing tests are attached to suites and managed in Testspace.

Current Test Results

In this example, there are three use cases supported by Testspace that are being demonstrated:

  1. The logs generated by the cypress terminal report
  2. The video capturing the execution of the file
  3. The screenshot of the test case - displays two todo items by default - that failed (see below)

The following test suite can be viewed HERE:

Failing Test Suite

The cypress/e2e/1-getting-started/ test file is being used as an example.

The following screenshot of the failing test case -- displays two todo items by default - can be viewed HERE by expanding the arrow (>) and clicking on #3 as displayed above:

Failing Test Case Screenshot


To play around with this example:

Note. You can run the tests using GitHub Actions, with a push or workflow dispatch event.

Refer to the Help Tutorial for instructions for setting up a Testspace project.