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AWS Cloud Development Kit application for setting up TetraScience Agent metrics and monitoring.

Getting started

  • Install Node.js 20 or higher (We recommend using nvm if you have to work with multiple versions on the same machine)
  • Follow the AWS Cloud Development Kit Getting Started instructions

This repository contains devcontainer configuration to enable quick setup without worrying about dependencies. If you're comfortable, this is the easiest way to get the proper development and runtime stack including Node.js, TypeScript, AWS CLI and AWS CDK. You still need to follow the AWS CDK Getting Started instructions in order to create and prepare your AWS account, but you don't need to install the AWS CDK CLI.

  • Run npm install in the root of the repository
  • The following parameters are required to run and deploy the app. They may be specified as context parameters or environment variables.
Context Environment Variable Description Example
tsApiBaseUrl TS_API_BASE_URL The base URL for the API of your TetraScience environment
tsOrgSlug TS_ORG_SLUG The slug for the TetraScience org development
account CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT The AWS account number of the account you want to deploy to (only required for deployment) 123456789012
region CDK_DEFAULT_REGION The AWS region you want to deploy to (only required for deployment) us-east-2
  • Optionally, you may specify a specific agent for testing purposes.
Context Environment Variable Description Example
tsAgentId TS_AGENT_ID An optional ID for a specific agent to create monitoring resources for 55953bf0-acb6-4a45-beb6-cb30b33d4941

The AWS Account and Region you specify must be bootstrapped for AWS CDK deployment.

  • Run cdk synth to synthesize the CloudFormation template locally. This will build and run the application, but won't deploy anything.
cdk synth --context tsApiBaseUrl= --context tsAuthToken=**** --context tsOrgSlug=development --context accountId=123456789012 --context region=us-east-2 --profile my-profile


The following npm scripts are defined for convenience:

  • npm run build compiles the project using tsc
  • npm run watch enables tsc compiling in watch mode
  • npm test runs unit tests and runs format
  • npm run format checks and applies style and linting fixes

See package.json for the full list.


The TetraScience Agents produce a number of structured logs and metrics which provide insight into the execution of the agents. There is not, however, a productized solution for monitoring these metrics. This repository is a showcase of how to leverage AWS CloudWatch to build a monitoring system (metrics and alarms) for your agents.


Metric Pattern Dimensions Value
AgentMonitoring/PerPathScanDurationInMs { $.event.type = "agents.filelog.scanCompleted.v1" } - orgSlug
- agentId
- path
Scan duration in milliseconds
AgentMonitoring/FileUploadLatencyInSeconds { $.event.type = "agents.filelog.fileUploadCompleted.v1" } - orgSlug
- agentId
Upload latency in seconds
AgentMonitoring/HeartBeatCount { $.event.type = "agents.common.heartbeat.v1" } - orgSlug
- agentId
AgentMonitoring/PerPathScanCompletedCount { $.event.type = "agents.filelog.scanCompleted.v1" } - orgSlug
- agentId
- path
AgentMonitoring/PerPathValidationFailedCount { $.event.type = "agents.filelog.pathValidationFailed.v1" } - orgSlug
- agentId
- path
AgentMonitoring/PerPathScanErrorCount { $.event.type = "agents.filelog.scanError.v1" } - orgSlug
- agentId
- path
AgentMonitoring/UploadCompletedCount { $.event.type = "agents.filelog.fileUploadCompleted.v1" } - orgSlug
- agentId
AgentMonitoring/UploadFailedCount { $.event.type = "agents.filelog.fileUploadFailed.v1" } - orgSlug
- agentId
AgentMonitoring/ArchiveCompletedCount { $.event.type = "agents.filelog.fileArchiveCompleted.v1" } - orgSlug
- agentId
AgentMonitoring/ArchiveFailedCount { $.event.type = "agents.filelog.fileArchiveFailed.v1" } - orgSlug
- agentId
AgentMonitoring/DeleteCompletedCount { $.event.type = "agents.filelog.archiveFileDeleteCompleted.v1" } - orgSlug
- agentId
AgentMonitoring/DeleteFailedCount { $.event.type = "agents.filelog.archiveFileDeleteFailed.v1" } - orgSlug
- agentId


You must configure AWS authentication in order to deploy.

Deployment is done via the AWS CDK deploy command. Deployment requires the same parameters described above in Getting Started.

cdk deploy --context tsApiBaseUrl= --context tsAuthToken=**** --context tsOrgSlug=development --context accountId=123456789012 --context region=us-east-2 --profile my-profile


We welcome contributions from the community that improve observability and monitoring of the agents. Here are more details on how to contribute.


The AWS Cloud Development Kit application in this repository is not fully a supported product feature. It is an example to demonstrate the monitoring options available for TetraScience Agents. You are responsible for any code maintenance, deployment, and validation using this project.


No description or website provided.








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