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</head>    <center><h1 style="color: #000000; font-family:Arial, sans-serif"><p>Zeiten in Englisch leicht erkl&auml;rt</p> </h1></center>

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<table align="center" class="tg">
    <th class="tg-k6pi">Zeitform</th>
    <th class="tg-031e">Signalw&ouml;rter</th>
    <th class="tg-031e">Verwendung</th>
    <th class="tg-yw4l">Bildungweise</th>
    <th class="tg-yw4l">Beispiele positiv</th>
    <th class="tg-yw4l">Beispiele negativ</th>
    <th class="tg-yw4l">Beipiele Frage</th>
    <td class="tg-z2zr"><b>Simple Present</b></td>
    <td class="tg-z2zr">every day <br />sometimes<br />always <br />often <br />usually <br />seldom <br />never <br />first...then</td> 
    <td class="tg-z2zr"><li>regelm&auml;ssig wiederholte oder <br />gewohnheitsm&auml;ssige Handlung</li>  <li>Handlungsfolgen in der Gegenwart</li> <li> allgemeing&uuml;ltige Feststellungen</li> <li> Verben mit statischer
                         <br />Bedeutung (to love, to hate, to think, etc.)</li> <li> in futuristischer Bedeutung: <br /> Programm bzw. Terminplan</li></td>
    <td class="tg-j2zy"><p align="justify">Infinitiv <br />he/she/it:<br /><b>Infinitiv <font color="#f38630">+</font> s</b></center></td></p>  
    <td class="tg-j2zy">I work. <br /> She work<font color="#f38630">s</font></td>
    <td class="tg-j2zy">I do not work. <br /> She doe<font color="#f38630">s</font> not work</font> </td></td>
    <td class="tg-j2zy">Do I work? <br />Doe<font color="#f38630">s</font> she work?</font> </td></td></td>
    <td class="tg-j2zy"><b>Present Progressive</b></td>
    <td class="tg-j2zy">now<br />at the moment<br />look! <br />listen! <br /></td></td>
    <td class="tg-j2zy"><li>Handlung geschieht im Moment des Sprechens</li>  <li>in futuristischer Bedeutung:  bereits getroffene <br />Vereinbarung oder bereits feststehender Plan<br /></li> 
    <td class="tg-j2zy"><p align="justify">be(am/are/is) <font color="#f38630"> + </font><b><br/>Infinitiv <font color="#f38630">+</font> ing</b></center></td></p></td>
    <td class="tg-j2zy">I am work<font color="#f38630">ing</font><br />She is</font> work<font color="#f38630">ing</font></td>
    <td class="tg-j2zy">I am not work<font color="#f38630">ing</font>. <br /> She is not work<font color="#f38630">ing</font></td>
    <td class="tg-j2zy">Am I work<font color="#f38630">ing</font>? <br />Is she work<font color="#f38630">ing</font>?</font></td></td>
    <td class="tg-z2zr"><b>Simple Past</b></td>
    <td class="tg-z2zr">last <br />ago<br />always <br />in 1990 <br />yesterday   </td>
    <td class="tg-z2zr"><li>Handlung hat in der Vergangenheit begonnen <br />und ist abgeschlossen(einmalig, wiederholt, <br />aufeinanderfolgend)</td>
    <td class="tg-j2zy"><p align="justify"> regelm&auml;&szlig;ig: <br /> <b>Infinitiv + <font color="#f38630">ed</font></b> <br /><br />unregelm&auml;&szlig;ig: <br />(2.Spalte - Tabelle <br />unregelm&auml;&szlig;ige<br />Verben)
    <td class="tg-j2zy">I work<font color="#f38630">ed</font>. <br /> She work<font color="#f38630">ed</font> <br /><br />I went.<br />She went.
    <td class="tg-j2zy">I <font color="#f38630">did</font> not work. <br /> She <font color="#f38630">did</font> not work <br /> <br />I <font color="#f38630">did</font> not go. <br />She <font color="#f38630">did</font> not go.</td></td>
    <td class="tg-j2zy"><font color="#f38630">Did</font> I work? <br /><font color="#f38630">Did</font> she work? <br /><br /><font color="#f38630">Did</font> I go? <br /><font color="#f38630">Did</font> she go?</td></td>
    <td class="tg-z2zr"><b>Past Progressive</b></td>
    <td class="tg-z2zr">while </td>
    <td class="tg-z2zr"><li>h&auml;ufig eine Handlung,die gerade stattfand, als ein neues Ereignis eintrat <br/><li> Ablauf einer T&auml;tigkeit <li> Vorgang in einem bestimmten Zeitraum der Vergangenheit<br />oder zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt der Vergangenheit</li></td>
    <td class="tg-j2zy"><p align="justify">was/were <font color="#f38630"><b>+</b></font><b><br />Infinitiv <font color="#f38630">+</font> ing</b></center></td></p></td>
    <td class="tg-j2zy">I <font color="#f38630">was</font> working. <br /> She <font color="#f38630">was</font> working </td>
    <td class="tg-j2zy">I <font color="#f38630">was not</font> working. <br /> She <font color="#f38630">was not</font> working. </td>
    <td class="tg-j2zy"><font color="#f38630">Was</font> I working? <br /><font color="#f38630">Was</font> she working? <br /><br /><font color="#f38630"></td>
    <td class="tg-z2zr"><b>Present Perfect</b></td>
    <td class="tg-z2zr"><br />just<br />yet <br />never <br />ever <br /> already <br />so far <br /> up to now, <br /> since <br /> for <br /> recently  </td>
    <td class="tg-z2zr"><li> Resultat einer Handlung ist wichtig, der Zeitpunkt der <br />Handlung interessiert den Sprecher dabei nicht <li>Handlung, die in der Vergangenheit begonnen hat <br />und bis in die Gegenwart andauert oder deren Auswirkungen <br />bis in die Gegenwart reichen</li></td>
    <td class="tg-j2zy"> have/has <font color="#f38630"><b>+</b></font> <b> past participle*</b> <br /> <b><br /> <br /><br />*(Infinitiv + <font color="#f38630">ed</font>)</b> oder <br />(3.Spalte - Tabelle unregelm&auml;&szlig;ige Verben)
    <td class="tg-j2zy">I <font color="#f38630">have</font> work<font color="#f38630">ed</font>. <br /> <br />She <font color="#f38630"> has</font> work<font color="#f38630">ed</font>.<br /><br />I <font color="#f38630">have</font> gone .<br />She <font color="#f38630">has</font>  gone
    <td class="tg-j2zy">I <font color="#f38630">have not</font> work<font color="#f38630">ed</font>. <br /><br /> She <font color="#f38630">has not</font> work<font color="#f38630">ed</font> <br /> <br />I <font color="#f38630">have not</font> gone. <br />She <font color="#f38630">has not</font>gone.</td></td>
    <td class="tg-j2zy"><font color="#f38630">Have</font> I work<font color="#f38630">ed</font>? <br /><font color="#f38630"><br />Has</font> she work<font color="#f38630">ed</font>? <br /><br /> <font color="#f38630">Have</font> I gone? <br /><font color="#f38630">Has</font> she gone?</td></td>
    <td class="tg-z2zr"><b>going to - <br /> future</b></td>
    <td class="tg-z2zr"></td>
    <td class="tg-z2zr"><li>bestehende Absicht/Plan,<li> logische Schlussfolgerung</li></td>
    <td class="tg-j2zy"><p align="justify">be(am/are/is) <font color="#f38630">+</font><b><br />going to <font color="#f38630">+</font> Infinitiv</b></center></td></p></td>
    <td class="tg-j2zy">I <font color="#f38630">am</font>  going to work. <br /> <br />She <font color="#f38630">is </font> going to work </td>
    <td class="tg-j2zy">I <font color="#f38630">am</font> not going to work. <br /> <br />She <font color="#f38630">is</font> not going to work <br /> </td>
    <td class="tg-j2zy"><font color="#f38630">Am</font> I going to work? <br /><br /><font color="#f38630">Is</font> she going to work? <br /></td>
    <td class="tg-z2zr"><b>will - future</b></td>
    <td class="tg-z2zr"></td>
    <td class="tg-z2zr"><li>Vorhersage einer zuk&uuml;nftigen<br />Handlung oder eines zuk&uuml;nftigen Vorganges <br /><li> unabwendbares Ereignis - zuk&uuml;nftiges Geschehen h&auml;ngt nicht von pers&ouml;nlichen Entscheidungen ab</li> <li> spontaner Entschluss <li>im Hauptsatz der Bedingungss&auml;tze Typ I </br></li></td>
    <td class="tg-j2zy"><p align="justify"> will  <b><font color="#f38630">+</font> Infinitiv </b></td>
    <td class="tg-j2zy">I <font color="#f38630">will</font> work. <br /> She <font color="#f38630">will</font> work </td>
    <td class="tg-j2zy">I <font color="#f38630">will not</font> work. &rarr; I <font color="#f38630"> won&apos;t </font> work. <br /> She <font color="#f38630">will not </font> work. &rarr; She <font color="#f38630"> won&apos;t </font> work. <br /></td></td>
    <td class="tg-j2zy"><font color="#f38630">Will</font> I work? <br /><font color="#f38630">Will</font> she work? <br /></td>

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