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TiKV Project

Popular repositories

  1. tikv tikv Public

    Distributed transactional key-value database, originally created to complement TiDB

    Rust 14.6k 2.1k

  2. raft-rs raft-rs Public

    Raft distributed consensus algorithm implemented in Rust.

    Rust 2.8k 387

  3. grpc-rs grpc-rs Public

    The gRPC library for Rust built on C Core library and futures

    Rust 1.8k 250

  4. pprof-rs pprof-rs Public

    A Rust CPU profiler implemented with the help of backtrace-rs

    Rust 1.2k 90

  5. rust-prometheus rust-prometheus Public

    Prometheus instrumentation library for Rust applications

    Rust 1k 181

  6. pd pd Public

    Placement driver for TiKV

    Go 1k 709


Showing 10 of 65 repositories