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Easy Transform v0.9.0

Easy Transform allows animation-like capabilities on HTML elements through the power of CSS transitions.

What does "animation-like" mean? Internally, EZT uses transition events to advance frames from one transform to another. Doing this, certain transitions can acquire an near-animation (keyframed) appearance.

Both 2D and 3D CSS transforms can be used with EZT.

EZT provides interfaces through JavaScript and HTML datasets.

View the API documentation below or checkout the examples.

HTML Example

    rotate(80) scale(2, 2), // frame 1, duration = 1s
    wait(500),              // frame 2, duration = 500
    rotate(-45)             // frame 3, duration = 100ms
    scale(1),               // frame 4 duration = 100ms

JS Example

  const t = new EZT(document.querySelector('div'));

      rotate: 45,
      translate: [50, 50]
    .call(function() { console.log('AT THE END!') })


HTML Attributes

data-ezt-loop (boolean attribute)

Loop the animation sequence

data-ezt-alternate (boolean attribute)

Alternate the animation (once the end is reached, play back to the beginning)

data-ezt-autostart (boolean attribute)

Auto play the sequence

data-ezt="transform, transform..."

Each transform within the value is a non-prefixed method invocation.

NOTE: Commas (outside of argument lists, of course) delimit animation frames. The newlines in the example above are just for clarity. Whitespace is ignored.


  duration(100),            // set the frame duration to 100ms
  rotate(-20) scale(2),     // rotate the element -20 degrees and scale by 2 (over 100ms)
  duration(1000),           // set the frame duration to 1s
  rotate(45) skew(10),      // rotate 45 degrees and skew the x-axis by 10 degrees (over 1s)
  wait(500)                 // wait 500ms
  rotate()                  // rotate back to 0, 0

Static methods

Finds all data-ezt elements on the page and creates their EZT instances.

Instance methods

EZT(HTMLElement) => EZTInstance

Create an EZT instance on the given HTMLElement.

loop() => EZTInstance

Toggle animation looping

alternate() => EZTInstance

Toggle alternation of the animations direction (only applies to loopd animations)

duration(CSSDuration) => EZTInstance

Set the duration for the following transforms


  .scale(2) // this scale will take 500 ms
  .scale(1) // this scale (down) will take 1s
  .translate(100, 100) // this translation will take 2s

easing(CSSTransitionTimingFunction) => EZTInstance

Set the easing for the following transforms


  .scale(2) // this scale will have linear easing
  .scale(1) // this scale (down) will have `ease-in` easing
  .translate(100, 100) // this translation will have `ease-in-out` easing

rotate() => EZTInstance

No arguments will reset the rotation.

rotate(z=0, x=0, y=0, add=true) => EZTInstance

Rotate the element around a given set of axes (in degrees)

scale(x=1, y=x, z=y) => EZTInstance

Scale the element. With only one argument, the elements proportions are held.

skew(x=0, y=0) => EZTInstance

Skew the element.

translate(x=0, y=0, z=0, add=true) => EZTInstance

Translate (move) the element.

transform({ ...transforms }) => EZTInstance

To set multiple properties at once, the transform method can be used.


  .transform({   // Simultaneously rotate and scale over 500ms
    rotate: 45,
    scale: 2
  .transform({   // Simultaneously rotate and scale over 1s
    rotate: -45,
    scale: 0.2

EZTInstance.wait(t) => EZTInstance

Wait t milliseconds before advancing to the next transform.


  .transform({   // Simultaneously rotate and scale over 500ms
    rotate: 45,
    scale: 2
  .scale(2) // scale 2x after 500ms => EZTInstance

Call the function fn.


  .transform({   // Simultaneously rotate and scale over 500ms
    rotate: 45,
    scale: 2
  .call(() => console.log('DONE!')); // function called after 1s

EZTInstance.reset() => EZTInstance

Reset the instance to its original appearance.

EZTInstance.start() => EZTInstance

Start the animation sequence.