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Gradescope-Canvas Crawler

This project, developed at the Penn Computer and Information Science Department, pulls data from Gradescope and Canvas for dashboard support. It builds notably on two projects: (1) the Pyscope project by Anton Pozharskiy, (2) our own layering (called python_canvas_layer) to abstract the Canvas LMS APIs from U Florida.

Getting Started

This library requires a bit of setup to ensure it crawls Gradescope and Canvas appropriately.


Let's assume you have a course set up with both Canvas and Gradescope (though you don't need to utilize Canvas).

  1. Log into Canvas, go into Account, Settings, and create a New Access Token (give it a name like "Canvas Monitoring") and copy the key.
  2. Set up an email account for the Teaching Dashboard, e.g., via or GMail. Add this account as an Instructor in your Gradescope course.

Enabling Dashboard Access to Canvas and Gradescope

Copy config.yaml.default to config.yaml. Update the config.yaml as follows:

  • Change the YAML key gradescope / gs_login to the Gradescope email address of an account given instructor permission on the courses you want to monitor.
  • Update gradescope / gs_pwd to the password for above account.
  • Update canvas / api_key to the new Canvas access token you created above.
  • Set site to your Canvas host URL (e.g., for Penn)

Next you'll want to restrict the courses-crawled to a subset of the available ones:

  • canvas key, course_ids list: a list of specific Canvas course IDs to crawl, rather than all that are currently active. Each should be on a separate line indented with a leading dash. To get the Canvas ID, you just need to go to the Canvas course site and copy the numeric ID at the end of the URL.
  • gradescope / semesters: a list of the Gradescope "years" / semesters to crawl. You can see these in Gradescope under Your Courses, e.g., "Fall 2023."

Depending on whether you use Gradescope, Canvas, or both for your course, you can also enable or disable crawling of the site (enabled key in each section of the YAML file) or display (show key in each section). Caveat: the dashboard has been most extensively tested with integrated Canvas and Gradescope.

Setting up Your Python Environment

We assume Python 3.9 or higher. Set up and run an Anaconda environment (you may need to substitute python3 and pip3 for python and pip below, depending on your setup):

python -m venv venv
chmod +x venv/bin/activate
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Now you should be ready to do your first crawl!

Crawling Data

Crawling is easy (but, fair warning -- Canvas throttles data fetching in a terrible way):


After the script runs, there should be a series of files in the data directory:

  • gs_courses.csv / canvas_courses.csv: list of courses to which we have access
  • gs_assignments.csv / canvas_assignments.csv: list of student assignments (quizzes, exams, HWs)
  • gs_students.csv / canvas_students.csv: list of enrolled students by course_id
  • gs_extensions.csv / canvas_student_summaries.csv: list of student info including late days, extensions, etc.
  • gs_submissions.csv / canvas_submissions.csv: list of homework submissions including timestamps, whether late, etc.

In addition, the Teaching Dashboard creates a SQLite3 database instance, in the form of the file dashboard.db (overridable in config.yaml via the db key). Tools such as the Penn CIS Teaching Dashboard ( make use of this database.

Each time you re-run the crawler, it will overwrite the existing data.

TODO: in a future release, we will only crawl Canvas submissions updated after the last-changed date.

Seeing/updating the data manually

You should be able to run sqlite3 followed by .open dashboard.db to access the database. .tables will show all tables, .schema {tablename} will show the schema, select * from {tablename} will show contents. Use .quit to exit.

Details/Credits on Gradescope "APIs"

We leverage and adapt the pyscope API, which we have updated to 2023 Gradescope with extensions. Gradescope does not really have an external API, but through some clever work by prior authors, HTML crawling is used to pull the important data and wrap it in objects. Substantial additional work was done to link every Gradescope student to their underlying SIS user ID.

Credit: The original pyscope codebase is derived from Sagar Reddy Patil's Gradescope iCalendar Converter, sagarredypatil/gradescope-ics. In turn this leverages a Gradescope extraction codebase from Anton Pozharskiy, apozharski/gradescope-api. This overall package inherits the AGPL license as a result of this.

However, new subsystems developed as part of this project use the standard Apache 2 license.

Major enhancements to gradescope-ics:

  • Support for extracting courses for which we have either instructor or student access. Instructor access has more comprehensive support, e.g., of downloading rosters.
  • Instructor access uses the full assignments page rather than the main dashboard, for comprehensiveness. This requires changes to parsing.
  • New course.get_roster() API call.
  • Roster extraction update to match the 2023 HTML formatting of Gradescope.
  • Crawl roster settings to get student SIS IDs.
  • Homework assignment extraction now pulls the assignment ID.
  • Extraction of homework submissions.
  • Extraction of homework extensions.

Details / Credits on the Canvas APIs

We leverage the Canvas LTI APIs from the U of Florida library. Substantial layering over these libraries has been added in the pycanvas package, and a common API between the Canvas and Gradescope modules has been implemented as CourseApi.


No releases published


  • Python 100.0%