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Releases: vitejs/vite-plugin-react


22 May 18:49
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Fix support for React compiler

Don't set retainLines: true when the React compiler is used. This creates whitespace issues and the compiler is modifying the JSX too much to get correct line numbers after that. If you want to use the React compiler and get back correct line numbers for tools like vite-plugin-react-click-to-component to work, you should update your config to something like:

export default defineConfig(({ command }) => {
  const babelPlugins = [['babel-plugin-react-compiler', {}]]
  if (command === 'serve') {
    babelPlugins.push(['@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx-development', {}])

  return {
    plugins: [react({ babel: { plugins: babelPlugins } })],

Support HMR for class components

This is a long overdue and should fix some issues people had with HMR when migrating from CRA.


04 Dec 17:53
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Remove generic parameter on Plugin to avoid type error with Rollup 4/Vite 5 and skipLibCheck: false.

I expect very few people to currently use this feature, but if you are extending the React plugin via api object, you can get back the typing of the hook by importing ViteReactPluginApi:

import type { Plugin } from 'vite'
import type { ViteReactPluginApi } from '@vitejs/plugin-react'

export const somePlugin: Plugin = {
  name: 'some-plugin',
  api: {
    reactBabel: (babelConfig) => {
  } satisfies ViteReactPluginApi,


16 Nov 13:31
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Update peer dependency range to target Vite 5

There were no breaking change that impacted this plugin, so any combination of React plugins and Vite core version will work.

Align jsx runtime for optimized dependencies

This will only affect people using internal libraries that contains untranspiled JSX. This change aligns the optimizer with the source code and avoid issues when the published source don't have React in the scope.

Reminder: While being partially supported in Vite, publishing TS & JSX outside of internal libraries is highly discouraged.


02 Nov 08:16
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  • Enable retainLines to get correct line numbers for jsxDev (fix #235)


24 Sep 18:44
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  • Add @types/babel__cores to dependencies (fix #211)
  • Improve build perf when not using Babel plugins by lazy loading @babel/core #212
  • Better invalidation message when an export is added & fix HMR for export of nullish values #215
  • Include non-dev jsx runtime in optimizeDeps & support HMR for JS files using the non dev runtime #224
  • The build output now contains a index.d.cts file so you don't get types errors when setting moduleResolution to node16 or nodenext in your tsconfig (we recommend using bundler which is more close to how Vite works)


31 Jul 16:32
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  • Fix #198: Enable Babel if presets list is not empty


10 Jul 04:35
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  • Revert #108: Remove throw when refresh runtime is loaded twice to enable usage in micro frontend apps. This was added to help fix setup usage, and this is not worth an annoying warning for others or a config parameter.


06 Jul 10:17
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  • Fix fast-refresh for files that are transformed into jsx (#188)


19 Jun 23:18
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20 Apr 14:27
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Options changes


These options now allow to completely override the files processed by the plugin (#122). This is more in line with other Rollup/Vite plugins and simplify the setup of enabling Fast Refresh for .mdx files. This can be done like this:

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
    { enforce: 'pre', ...mdx() },
    react({ include: /\.(mdx|js|jsx|ts|tsx)$/ }),

These changes also allow to apply Babel plugins on files outside Vite root (expect in node_modules), which improve support for monorepo (fix #16).

With these changes, only the file extensions is used for filtering processed files and the query param fallback is removed.


The support for React auto import when using classic runtime is removed. This was prone to errors and added complexity for no good reason given the very wide support of automatic runtime nowadays. This migration path should be as simple as removing the runtime option from the config.

Removed options

  • fastRefresh (#122) This should be correctly activated by plugin without configuration.
  • jsxPure (#129) This is a niche use case that was just passing down the boolean to esbuild.jsxSideEffects.


This release goes in hand with the upcoming Vite 4.3 release focusing on performances:

  • Cache plugin load (#141)
  • Wrap dynamic import to speedup analysis (#143)

Other notable changes

  • Silence "use client" warning (#144, fix #137)
  • Fast Refresh is applied on JS files using automatic runtime (#122, fix #83)
  • Vite 4.2 is required as a peer dependency (#128)
  • Avoid key collision in React refresh registration (a74dfef, fix #116)
  • Throw when refresh runtime is loaded twice (#108, fix #101)
  • Don't force optimization of jsx-runtime (#132)