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ABCI application to be used with CometBFT 0.38.7


Ubuntu 22.04

Follow these steps to set up the environment on Ubuntu 22.04:

  1. Update and prepare the system:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get update
  2. Install necessary packages:

    sudo apt-get install pkg-config libhdf5-dev build-essential
  3. Install Python 3.11.8

    Use your preferred way of installing this.

  4. Clone Xian and related repositories:

    git clone
    cd xian-core
    git clone
  5. Set up Python virtual environment and dependencies:

    python3.11 -m venv xian_venv
    source xian_venv/bin/activate
    pip install -e xian-contracting/ -e .
  6. Download, unpack, and initialize CometBFT:

    tar -xf cometbft_0.38.7_linux_amd64.tar.gz
    rm cometbft_0.38.7_linux_amd64.tar.gz
    ./cometbft init
  7. Configuring your node:

    • For starting your own local network:

      python src/xian/tools/ --moniker "Node" --copy-genesis True --genesis-file-name genesis.json --validator-privkey "cd6cc45ffe7cebf09c6c6025575d50bb42c6c70c07e1dbc5150aaadc98705c2b"

      The --validator-privkey flag should be set to your validator's private key. The example above uses a key from the genesis file for testing purposes so you can start developing directly. --moniker is the node name in the CometBFT network.

    • For joining an existing network:

      python src/xian/tools/ --moniker "Node" --copy-genesis True --genesis-file-name genesis-testnet.json --seed-node "" --validator-privkey "ENTER YOUR WALLET PRIVATE KEY HERE"

      Use --seed-node to specify the seed node's IP address you want to connect to. --validator-privkey is your validator wallet's private key. Ensure ports 26657 (REST API), 26656 (Node Communication), and 26660 (Prometheus Metrics) are open on your firewall.

  8. Run CometBFT and Xian:

    Run CometBFT:

    ./cometbft node --rpc.laddr tcp://

    In a new terminal session (remember to activate the environment again with source xian_venv/bin/activate), run Xian:

    python src/xian/

    Alternatively, use screen or install PM2 to manage processes:

    sudo apt-get install npm
    npm install pm2 -g
    make up # To start
    make down # To stop

Accessing the Application

CometBFT RPC is exposed on localhost:26657. Xian is running inside the container and can be accessed accordingly.