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Nicke Manarin edited this page Nov 5, 2018 · 13 revisions

Exporting as Gifs

output types

You can export your project as Gif using 5 different types of encoders:

Encoder: 2.0

output v2

It's the newest encoder available. It uses the Octree algorithm to reduce the number of colors to 256. It produces a noticeable color banding, so it's best suited for animations with less colors and no gradients. For example, a recording of simple page (such as GitHub) will output an acceptable gif.

example gif v2

Size: 74.7KB

You can notice that this gif has some subtle artifacts (see the tags, when I'm hovering with the cursor). What happens is that the first frame colors are out of sync with the color of the frame after the cursor leaves hovering the tag.

It's caused because the first frame needs to be fully encoded (all pixels are there to be quantized, color-reduced), but the frame where the cursor moves only has those pixels to be encoded (the ones that changed). Less pixels to be encoded, means more color integrity.

Encoder: 1.0

output v1

This is the older encoder created for this app. It's similar to Encoder 2.0, but it usually creates a gif with better colors and a little bit bigger in file size.

example gif v1

Size: 111 KB

Encoder: System

output system

This encoder uses a default palette, so the gif quality will be noisy, with lots of dither. You can control the looping of the gif.

example gif system

Size: 1.75 MB

Encoder: FFmpeg

output ffmpeg

With this encoder, the configuration is set via text. The commands are passed to FFmpeg during the encoding. This is the default configuration (if you lost it):

-lavfi palettegen=stats_mode=diff[pal],[0:v][pal]paletteuse=new=1:diff_mode=rectangle

If you wish to tweak that command, take a look at the FFmpeg documentation.

example gif ffmpeg

Size: 41.7 KB

In order to export using this encoder, you'll need to download FFmpeg.

Encoder: Gifski

output gifski

Use the slider to change the quality of the output gif. The greater the value (slider more to the left), the better the final gif is.

example gif gifski

Size: 375 KB

In order to export using this encoder, you'll need to download Gifski.