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Pull requests: ReVanced/revanced-manager

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Pull requests list

fix(ui): increase dashboard RefreshIndicator edge offset
#1859 opened Apr 7, 2024 by Domenic-MZS Loading…
2 tasks done
fix: SecurityException when patching application
#1856 opened Apr 5, 2024 by validcube Loading…
build(deps): bump androidx.compose:compose-bom from 2024.03.00 to 2024.04.00 ReVanced Manager Compose Regarding the Compose rewrite of ReVanced Manager
#1849 opened Apr 5, 2024 by dependabot bot Loading…
build(deps): bump from 1.9.10-1.0.13 to 1.9.23-1.0.20 ReVanced Manager Compose Regarding the Compose rewrite of ReVanced Manager
#1847 opened Apr 5, 2024 by dependabot bot Loading…
build(deps): bump from 8.3.0 to 8.3.1 ReVanced Manager Compose Regarding the Compose rewrite of ReVanced Manager
#1846 opened Apr 5, 2024 by dependabot bot Loading…
build(deps): bump from 1.9.22 to 1.9.23 ReVanced Manager Compose Regarding the Compose rewrite of ReVanced Manager
#1845 opened Apr 5, 2024 by dependabot bot Loading…
build(deps): bump androidx.compose.ui:ui-tooling from 1.6.4 to 1.6.5 ReVanced Manager Compose Regarding the Compose rewrite of ReVanced Manager
#1843 opened Apr 5, 2024 by dependabot bot Loading…
chore: Sync translations
#1842 opened Apr 5, 2024 by revanced-bot Loading…
feat: Pre-release patches toggle
#1785 opened Mar 25, 2024 by kitadai31 Loading…
feat: prereleases ReVanced Manager Compose Regarding the Compose rewrite of ReVanced Manager
#1653 opened Jan 23, 2024 by BenjaminHalko Draft
feat: Support API 21 ReVanced Manager Compose Regarding the Compose rewrite of ReVanced Manager
#1605 opened Dec 29, 2023 by BenjaminHalko Draft
3 of 8 tasks
ci(build): refresh
#1521 opened Nov 24, 2023 by validcube Draft
1 task
feat: Add installer status dialog ReVanced Manager Compose Regarding the Compose rewrite of ReVanced Manager
#1473 opened Nov 8, 2023 by oSumAtrIX Loading…
5 of 10 tasks
feat: add haptic feedback ReVanced Manager Compose Regarding the Compose rewrite of ReVanced Manager
#1457 opened Nov 2, 2023 by BenjaminHalko Loading…
feat: patch history
#1414 opened Oct 21, 2023 by BenjaminHalko Loading…
docs: Improve documentation ReVanced Manager Compose Regarding the Compose rewrite of ReVanced Manager
#1411 opened Oct 21, 2023 by validcube Draft
feat!: ReVanced Manager Compose
#1409 opened Oct 20, 2023 by Axelen123 Draft
3 tasks
ci(crowdin): init ReVanced Manager Compose Regarding the Compose rewrite of ReVanced Manager
#1171 opened Aug 28, 2023 by validcube Draft
2 of 3 tasks
ProTip! Updated in the last three days: updated:>2024-04-25.